Very cool. I like it alot and the creative way you have put the icons togheter. It's going a tiny bit to fast though. Good job.
It's WAY too fast. The image needs to stay for at least 4-5 seconds for the eye to register it. Not bad though. Did you make the images?
no i got them off photobucket but i am planning on making one with some i make as soon as i get some pictures...
It's just various avatars put into motion. Nothing special. Sorry if that sounds a little rude. 5/10 It is way too fast. It kinda hurts my eyes and gave me an epileptic seizure.
made this one slower and Gohan is right it is a bunch of avvies out together, jusst wanted to see if i could do it!
Or if you wanna challenge yourself, keep the speed, but fade in each image with several frames of changing opacity, pausing for a few seconds inbetween images (that's where a speed delay would be good).
What program do you use? ImageReady (a program) is pretty good for making small, little animations of the like. It's also easy to use for JP!Roxas' suggestion. EDIT:/ I care because I don't register the frames at all. I don't have time to admire/notice each image, since this .gif is basically a slideshow.
ok,when you open your image ready,and your pics are all in layers.and you already aranged them the way you like.on the animation window that should be on the buttom.theres an arrow on the top right that and put select all frames.Now with all of them selected on the animation window click on the small arrow thats under one of the frames and select prob like 3 so its nice and save and upload to see how that one looks.