What do you think can be the next car fuel? I have always wondered why scientist havn't created a wheel-powered electric engine, you know, when the wheels turn it gives energy to the car, similar to a hand-crank flashlight?
I honestly think solar power is the next energy source. We can already paint on solar panels onto surfaces, so we can paint on solar panels onto our cars, and it won't look any different. That may take awhile though, before it becomes affordable though.
There's an electric car that generates power when you push the accelerator, and it can actually go pretty fast.
They just need to get rid of the monopoly that the fuel companies have and then we should see a dramatic decrease in prices!!
I heard on the weather channel that there is bio fuel.It's like some kind of fuel that gets your car going and doesn't ruin the environment.
I assume you are talking about Ethanol, the corn-based fuel? The fuel itself doesnt hurt the environment, but processing corn into fuel can do some serious damage, not to mention the famine that would occur if we relied on this stuff like we do oil today. We would need all of America's arable land to grow enough corn, and considering the fact that America supplies a huge amount of food worldwide, we would see starvation run rampant. No, we need some smart scientist to perfect a safe fusion generator that can run a car. Clean, almost limitless energy.
The only real option for completely clean energy would be safe cold fusion. Unfortunately we are a long way off making this possible. Don't get me wrong, they can cause fusion to happen, it just uses more energy than it produces >_> Bio-fuels sound good until you realise the damage it does when it is grown and the fact that that is a lot of food that we can no longer eat. Considering there is already starvation, burning our food supply doesn't sound like the best option.
Bolded for win. And apparently, there is a huge supply of easily fusionable (is that a word? lol) material in the Lunar dust and regolith, meaning that all we have to do is go back to the Moon, which we did 40 years ago, so we should damn well be able to do it now!
My dad was thinking about changing our truck so it runs on hydrogen and it puts out water or oxygen, I don't remeber what he said.
Whatever our next fuel source will be, the transition will be... messy, at best. Think about it - ALL cars need to be running on this new fuel, ALL gas-operated cars need to be given low priorities, ALL car companies will have to switch over ALL their plants, ALL gas stations will need to offer the new fuel, AND the oil companies will be basically bankrupt unless they get with the program (biggest hurdle, right there). It would almost seem as if the world needs a huge disaster that pretty much destroys the infrastructure of civilization, so we can rebuild it with new technologies, but considering the number of people that would kill, it's not exactly feasible. Or even possible. Maybe if the environment gets too bad, we will have no choice, but I'd rather not see that happen.
What happens if it's overcast/rainy/snowing/night? Or what if the panels get damaged? It's not a paint job, there are physical panels that are attacked or build into the structure - if they get damaged, it would be pretty expensive.
Solar or electric, cuz of either batteries or solar panels. We already have both, now we just need to program them into the cars.