Neverwinter Nights 2

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by JLHack7, Jun 22, 2008.

  1. JLHack7 Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 12, 2007
    I've had this game for about 6 months, or so, and never was able to run it, because I lacked a suitable computer

    When I was finally allowed access to my parent's sweet desktop (3.2 GHz, NVidia GeForce 6800), I was able to create a fix by dumping the memory when running it on both my laptop, and the desktop

    Now it runs perfectly on both : D

    Anyway, overall, a bit of an improvement over NWN1

    Anyone else who has it, and is unable to run it, just give me a buzz and I'll set you up with a fix to bypass the graphics card requirement (specifically, when trying to run it, you get a "No compatible Direct3D device" error

    (Note: I won't do my mem dump fix, as there is a far easier fix out there, using a nifty Direct3D program)

    I should note, though, that it doesn't exactly run silky smooth on this thing, there's a reason they don't want you running it on a laptop chipset

    I'll just say this

    IF YOUR GRAPHICS CARD DOES NOT SUPPORT HARDWARE TRANSFORM AND LIGHTING (that means most laptop chipsets, and some older graphics cards), YOU'RE GONNA GET CRAP FPS
    I have the graphics settings on the lowest possible ones, and I get about 7-12 FPS in crowded areas, 15-19 in towns, 21-25 in very small, empty areas

    I put up with though, because its better than not being able to play it at all