There will never be a pleasant ending for such shenanigans in the form of the game leap-frog. B| Anywhoville, Oh, hello there, /khv/. How are you? I've missed roughly groping you for so long now... it makes me a SADFACE not to be able to violate you as often as I please. >': But, honestly, this is besides the point. I so very much miss our lovely Voxli chats along with stories and various entertainment. So, it got me pondering on the subject... I was thinking about making another Voxli room. Not really sure, but summer approaches and sometimes I become very, very, very bored. So, yah... Honestly, I'd probably be up for doing just about anything in there (reading/chatting/ect). On a side note, /khv/, you got some big booty bitches. Big, big booty bitches. WHAAA? Big booty bitches. Big, big booty bitches. I smell sex and candy. o;
Oh Jelly, how i miss those story times of your's. Life feels so dull without them. PLEASE READ ME A STORY! ...that or lets play the PS3 and chat. xD
NEVER! ... I'MMA BARBIE GIRL, IN A BARBIE WOOOOORLD~! hi thur, raeptart. <: Okay. HIGH FIVE!?! Hi-low! I missed you too! *nomnomnoms* @all the edits: Yes, yes, we all get it. I am a diseased ridden ho-bag. Now come here so I can grope you. ;3 Kitty! 8D Alrighty, I'll be sure to read you a story sometime soon! Dohoho, hello thuuuur to you too. Hiya, Haley. How you doin'? ~~~ in other newz Quote of the day: 'Deep throating it; trying to get it soggy, but it wouldn't work.' -lolfriendz
I'm sorry for causing you such distress! D': Well, most likely this weekend... maybe. This week is technically my last and next week I have open finals, but I'm not worried about those, lol. I just have to work practically all this weekend SADFACE, but other than that I should be showing up more often now. <: