Right. I left them for a bit too long, and I discovered some very bizarre things >_> Never again will I leave them unwashed for that long.
Were you observing your dishes so to speak? I think it should have been a given not to leave them out for so long though xD
well, I don't know about dirty dishes, but I've learned never to leave food out alone in South Carolina. We are about to eat one day and we all looked down and saw ants everywhere. We decided on McDonalds Oh and, make sure you don't leave gravy in the fridge for too long either. We did, and when I went to get some one day, nearly the entire top had like an inch of mold on it
Am I the only one that does not want to see pictures of STRANGE LARVA-LIKE CREATURES GROWING ON PLATES
Somehow this thread doesn't surprise me from you. You or Gerbil were going to post the 'lol left my dishes in the sink too long. Things started growing on them' thread.