Kay, I made this AMV, but I don't think its good enough....please watch and let me know what you think, I need critisicm!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vsXKSPJskD4
I think your video "Never Alone" was done real well. The scenes in my opinion seemed to match real well. I haven't heard the song before, but great job! I hope to see more in the near future.
Great musicality.The scenes fit well with what you were going for.I loved it all the way.Good job.I hope I can see more of your AMVs.
I actually loved it, a good one that made sense, from my point of view. I say this, because I've seen another one that had the same and it looked good as this one. I'll find the link later, and the scenes did match real well. Perfect Job.
I thought it was ok. The clips fit well, nice speed, but it could've used come more effects. Good job! Keep improving! :D
Hmm, that was not too bad. Scenes matched the lyrics well but I was expecting a few more effects. demonchick25 also made a good point as it was all over the place. I was bit confused, were you trying to make a video about certain couples in the FFVII universe or what? Perhaps if you had centered it around Cloud and Tifa or created a story through the video about how Vincent is 'stronger' because he has friends, it would have been much more enjoyable. 3/5.