Never ever, ever, ever again... Nor could anyone pay me enough money to ever be a part of and/or participate in... ..... .... ... I will never be in another musical production ever again. NEVER. 3; Comfort me in my hour of need, /khv/.
Try being stage manager and head of lighting, I was seriously ready to kill everything by the time our show was over. >>
I had to drive myself back to my school in school uniform like 3 hours after school was meant to be over to be an usher for like an hour D: That is horrific ._.
Duuuude, by the second act I was ready to punch a baby. I was six god damned, different characters. So many costume changes... SO MANY.
D: I can imagine your pain. Did you not get some degree of satisfaction that the production was a success? D:
Eh, it was better than I expected... xD I suppose we, as the cast, can be proud. Alice in Wonderland: the musical can be preformed professionally by a bare minimum of ten actors and we did a little high school production with eleven... so yes? Haha.
Don't even worry about it dude, we did The Fantasticks, I was homocidal by the end of the first act and our crew of ten outnumbered the actors. And yet the actors STILL managed to irritate me more than my crew (usually it's the other way around). .-. Congrats on your show though. 8D
My brother is maddening me with his attempts at his auditions for a member of the cast for Guys and Dolls ._.
We had to perform McBeth. Not only was it the second time I was in a McBeth play, but it was forced upon the class by a teacher, when every other class had a choice. As such, it was a modern McBeth that made absolutely no sense.