Please give me CnC.... All I have is Twistedbrush so I couldn't really do anything fancy. It's of Neku in TWEWY... I know it's horrible.
It looks pixilated where the spin is, plus thaty purple doesn't match the purple he is wearing. the blurry smudge on neku isn't working, and the text doesn't match and its bad. just my opinion, of course. keep trying though!
Thanks for going hard on me, believe me I know it's bad :D I'm glad that you actually said it was. If I had something like photoshop, it would be so much better.
There is a big empty space and the colour of the background isn't good for a background. Yeah the picture is pixelated. Just keep practicing. ^^
What do you have, the GIMP? I have the GIMP, and I am pretty good with it. If you used the GIMP, i bet you that you resized the pictured, which PROBABLY explains the pixilation.
It's ok but I think you should blend the text in better and it's a little too big and the red border really doesn't match it but it's pretty good.
Well it looks like you just put him on a picture and smacked some text and smuged the side, any ways, dont make it so big, cause it looks empty so, maybe making the image smaller will help the emptyness I do like what the text says though