Posted in the spam zone to get more posts. This question is more for people who like to read books. Would you think it's cool if the author of the book added "extras" at the end of the book, such as author commentaries, a "making of the story" section (where the author describes what it was like writing the story), character bios, and an author interview?
Agreed. It seems a bit presumptuous to add it when the book is just released. On the other hand, I'm not certain I'd want to see it at all. Part of literature is interpreting it for oneself, based on one's individual experiences. I guess the option there is simply not to read the author's supplements, then, or to do so after forming your own opinions.
Well, I think it would be a good idea. I know that I loved reading the appendixes for LoTR, and then there's an interveiw with the author of "Coraline" in the back of the book, that was interesting. I do think that the quality of the book has a lot to do with wether or not I would want extra content, but on the whole, I think that would be fun. Now, if I ever get anything published, I'll totaly have to include extras in the back of the book.
Considering I am forever a huge lore geek, I wouldn't mind if an author included 'extras' in their books. Maybe not in the book itself but perhaps as part of a handbook that goes with it. I know sometimes the author's experiences when writing the book are written in the forward or on the jacket of a hardcover book.
Honestly I don't even read the extras when they are supplied. :/ Sometimes I do a little checking on the author but that's it. I like books as bare as can be.