Video need help on a parody

Discussion in 'Production Studio' started by xemnasfan, Feb 12, 2008.

  1. xemnasfan King's Apprentice

    May 21, 2007
    adrian, PA A.K.A the black hole
    ok i'm out of the code vault finally.

    anyway i was reading some posts in the kh2 code topic about voice swaping [giving one charater another's voice]

    and so i started a video about that, so far i'm only doing kingdom hearts and after a few clips i'm already stumped.

    these are the swappings i've thought of or were on the code vault.
    sephiroth as donald
    cloud as daisy
    xemnas as namine
    sora as sephiroth
    goofy as tifa
    donald as cloud and xemnas
    sora as leon
    auron as donald
    and xemnas as hades

    the only rule is the voices and characters must come from kingdom hearts, even re: chain of memories though it will be harder to work with.