hey guy's I need help lowering the file size on my gif so that I can use it as an avatar could someone help me out plz? thank you!^ ^ here's the gif!^ ^
What are you using to make these? 51 frames for that short a gif is very unnecessary. In photoshop you just delete duplicate or frames that don't really look needed. I mean I cut your original size in half just getting rid of all the duplicate frames. Now by default the gif plays noticeably faster (at least in firefox), since deleting frames makes the transition faster. But changing to speed of an individual frame or frames doesn't change the file size. So I slowed this one down: Notice it's the exact same size as my faster one. So I can successfully take your original 51 frames and make it 29 just by deleting the duplicates. It's also 142.61 KB instead of the original 342.82 KB I didn't even have to try and find which frames were not needed to make it fit the file size. I highly recommend getting Photoshop CS5 if you plan on making more gifs in the future.
well tbh I'm using virtual dub to make these gifs and I cannot afford photoshop cs5 unless I get it illegally like by piracy which I'm not gonna get into here. and also thank you RvR for helping me lower the file size but a quick question would gimp work just as well as potoshop would?
I don't own photoshop to compare, but I have edited a few GIFs so GIMP can handle them. You just probably won't have all the options that photoshop gives you.
Virtual dub is probably the worse thing you can use for gifs. I haven't personally used GIMP, but I can almost guarantee you it would be better then how you were doing it before.
I've actually been having alot of trouble with gifs in gimp because when ever I open the gif in gimp it looses it's animation and I don't understand why, is there a specific way I need to open it so that doesn't happen?
You need to use GIMP to open it instead of doing a copy paste. If that isn't it I don't know, that is the only problem I've had with it. How are you trying to open it?
Well two things to check. First are you sure that your file is okay? Open it and see if you are getting the animation. Second, are you sure that you are only getting the one frame? The layers in the dock to your left are all seperate frames that get stacked as the GIF progresses so if you just look at the "image" you are seeing the last frame.