Need For Speed-Most Wanted

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Roxaspartanti, Apr 30, 2008.

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  1. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    Hi all you guys, to the people who played this video game and those who haven't, Need For Speed is a racing game, and the most wanted game is when you go up against the police, in police chaces. In this role play, you get to be in a city called Blue Rose, and in this city the most wanted street racers challenge each other, in races, but remember; watch out for the cops.
    In this role play you can either be a cop, or a street racer, your choice. The cops will have to try to catch the street racers, while the street racers get to try to evade them.
    No Yaori Yuri
    No flaming
    romance to the level of pg 13
    choose who wins in a racing, or in a pursuit, must be decided before, in racing, win, lose, or tie
    can make up other characters to challenge against them, like temporary ones, without forms is allowed
    have fun racing
    have fun getting away from cops and catching the racers
    adittional info
    If you are a cop, you have a police scanner. I will play the person who overlooks the pursuit, and calls in backup, and you must put your request for backup, or more info on calls.

    Supervisor or backup(supervisers are people who are police who are the first to be in the pursuit):
    Car type (undercover or police):
    Car (normal or Sports car):
    why became a cop:

    Street Racer
    Cars appearance:
    your appearance:
    why became a street racer:
  2. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    Can I play?

    Name: Al "Big A" Smalls
    Age: 22
    Gender: M
    Car: 1971 Chevelle SS 454
    Cars appearance: Bright Red with black ralley stripes, Appears stock
    your appearance: Muscular build, mustache. Usually wearing a Chevy related shirt, with a black leather jacket, and blue jeans.
    personality: Arrogant, self centered. Goes against the grain type of guy. Gots a chip on his shoulder...
    why became a street racer: To prove you don't need 100,000 grand and a import to have a great car.
    other?: Automatically friends with people who drive Chevy's. Enemy with anyone in a Ford or Honda or a european Supercar.
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