Need ff12 Help.

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by SnoofyXChristhor, Mar 31, 2008.

  1. Ok so I'm in the Henne Mines (SP?)

    and whenever I change the gates slimes come down and kill me.

    how can I stop this happening?


    Basch: lvl 22 (3 quickenings)

    Vaan: lvl 22 (3 quickenings, 1 esper/yahri)

    Fran: lvl 22 ((3 quickenings)

    Larsa: lvl 21 (obviously)


    Basch: Iron Hammer - attack power 54 - no element.

    Buckler: evade 10

    topkapi hat: magick resist 8

    Scale armour: Defense 9

    accessory: jade collar - increases chance of evading attacks

    Vaan: Demonsbane - Attack Power - 59 - no elements

    bronze shield: Evade 12

    Sallet: magick resist 7

    I\ron Armour: Defense 11

    Manufacted Nethicite : HALF damange from ALL elements =)

    Fran:: Longbow : attack power 39

    Onion arrows: attack power 1

    headguard: Magick resist 6

    Bronzr Armour: defense 7

    Bangl: gives libra effect.


    Cure, poisona, Blindna, Raise, Cura, Vox,Stona Regen, Curaga, Esuna,Fire, Thunder, Blizzard, Water, break, disable, immobilize, slow, reflect, warp, Protect, Blind, sleep, silence
  2. Tikem Gummi Ship Junkie

    Apr 27, 2007
    It's not possible to stop it, but you can stop them fast by Gambit Foe: Any>>>> Warp. This banishes all foes in the area and your free to continue. Or you can have Regen and Protect casted on everybody.
  3. I'll try the gambit one since I haven't changed my gambits once since I got to use them xD
  4. Tikem Gummi Ship Junkie

    Apr 27, 2007
    Good, but if it doesn't work try getting more licenses and level up.
  5. I've got like loads of licences.

    I have swords up to 8 on everyone

    guns to 2 on everyonw

    magick armour to 9

    heavy armour to 6

    soft armour to 5

    hammers and maces to 3

    everyone has all accessories and fran has like 11 different magick ones. (I need to buy the arcane magicks still but I cant find a shop that has them >_>)

    potion lore at 1 and them hp critical strength defense raisers at 1
  6. Tikem Gummi Ship Junkie

    Apr 27, 2007
    How about augments? They are extremely useful. I got over 1000 hp on lvl3 with augments.