Nature's Sorrow

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Dexnail, Sep 6, 2009.

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  1. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    Nature's Sorrow

    Machinery helps us with our everyday task in life but think what it does to nature. The human race foolishly let technology grew while nature decaded plants dying and animals becoming extinct. Two creatures managed to survive the fox and the wolf. Scientist search everyday to find a specimen but the numbers are so few and it seems they blend in with society. Humans normally see the two creatures as a source of income wanting to kill them to sell their precious fur. With the experiments and killings from fur traders the two creatures withered down to almost nothing. Nature gave the very few a gift letting them disguise themselves as humans so they could live in peace but as they thought. 200 years later a wolf and fox found dead for everyone to see people is repeating the same habits. Scientist want to do experiments on these creatures while the fur traders wants to kill them will the foxes and wolfs survive only time will tell.

    Anger between animals
    The wolf and fox use to get along well until one day the incident happened. A royal wolf king was kidnapped then murdered by a fox. Then afterwards the wolfs kidnapped an fox queen killing her. The hatred is so deep they even tried to sell the other group giving them to the scientist. Nature never thought this would happen will these animals kill each other or will the humans kill them first.

    An eye seeing the truth
    Around the time the incident happened some humans was able to gain ability. This ability allowed the humans to see through the animal’s illusion seeing their true beast appearance. The scientist and hunters are looking for these people to offer them an job. Almost all natural things are dead grass is replaced by metal and fields replaced by cities. Will these people help the animals or will they help the humans

    The task
    the task for the wolfs and foxes is simple survival and dont get caught by the scientist while the scientist task is to capture them to run test on them untel the animal dies. But remember the foxes wont help the wolfs and the wolfs wont help the foxes.

    no killing people unless they are an unnamed char
    have fun
    in your first post but nature is crying
    cussing is acceptable but dont over do it
    blood and gore is alright
    romance is not rated but no sex scenes

    Oc form
    Race-(human, fox, wolf)
    Status-(fox or wolf -royal or regular, human- hunter, fur trader, scientist, or citizen)
    Ability- for all wolfs and foxes its illusion meaning you look like a human to human characters. Also for some humans (only 2 or 3) they are born with a power that lets them see through the illusion seeing the animal when the selected human uses the power their eyes turn purple. But if an animal gets hurt and they start to bleed their illusion becomes weaker.
    Appearance- (put human appearance if ur char is an wolf or fox and give what the animal looks like if its an human just put down the appearance)
    Preview post

    accepted OC

    Username- Dexnail
    Name- Luxy
    age- 17
    Status- fox prince
    Ability- humen illussion
    Appearance- normal-
    Personality- care free,likes to steal things, playfull
    Bio- His mother got killed and soon his father got taken away by an scientist. Luxy was able to keep hidden cause he hid in an trash can. Now he is the only royal fox left and he is suppose to be the responsible one when he isnt.
    Preview post

    Luxy was laying against the only healthy tree in the field. Looking over to the left seeing another structure was being built by humens. Ever since he was an pup he never saw an field full of blossiming flowers every night he dreamed about skipping in one. Quickly hidding behind an tree when an humen came he clossed his eyes casting his illusion. Stepping out giving the two people an friendly wave as the wind blew his red hair before they left.

    Username- keybladewarrioroflegend

    Name- Phenox

    Race- fox

    Status- Royal

    Ability- illuison right

    Appearance- page 5 post 2
    illusion- page 5 post 2

    Personality- kind and caring. willing to give his life for his friends.

    Bio- he is a prince in a fox tribe. his tribe was completely wiped out by hunters. he was the only survivor. he blames himself for not being there when his tribe was attacked. as a result, he tries to help others as much as possible, hoping to atone for not saving his tribe.

    Preview post

    Phenox sighed as he awoke from a nap. he yawned and stretched. "that was a good nap..." he started walking. he stopped when he saw a frightened animal caught in a trap. he smiled and walked up to the animal. the animal had a small cage around it. Phenox grunted and tipped the cage over, releasing the animal. the animal gave Phenox a grateful look, then ran off.

    Username- Dexnail
    Name- Sesi
    Race- arctic fox
    Status- reguler
    Ability- illusion
    Appearance- fox-
    illusion- white pant that has furry bottoms and an long chain that stops at his knee caps on the pants and icy blue eyes and sneakers that has checker board design
    Personality- lazy, kind and sensative, musical, likes to stay in cold places
    Bio- Staying hidden and taking advantage of the illusion Sesi is not afraid of humens. Grew up in an country filled with snow he misses it. He knew about the inner details of the incident but he refused to talk about it cause to him you should leave things in the past. Learned to just accept the wolfs hatred towards his kind he simply went on with life. The arctic fox is kinda worried about the scientist but he simply goes around town not paying attention to them cause he is confident in his illusion.


    Username- Cstar7777
    Name- Umi
    Race- Wolf
    Status- Royal, Hidden off as a Regular.
    Ability- illusion.
    Appearance- Human Form-
    Wolf Form-
    Personality- Shy, Adventurous, comical.
    Bio- She was the wolf princess, but her mom eventually got worried and had her hide off as a regular, she's done a good job at it. And sometimes gets too hyper for her own sake and a small part of her wolf form shows. Then she runs off. That is her only flaw.
    Preview post- Umi was sitting down outside of her house staring up at the moon, it was a clear sky, and when it came to the moon she was always outside. "To the moon, your radiance is the only thing that keeps me happy anymore." she whispered to herself.

    Name- Xaid
    Race- wolf
    Status-wolf regular
    Ability- illusion
    Appearance- page 2 post 1
    Personality- quiet, shy, loner, proective, sensitive, has a soft side but likes to hide it.
    Bio- he saved Xathabat when her house was on fire the day he was sent to kill her farther whom was a scientest and has felt bad ever since so he hides and watchs over her. He dosent really care about the foxes and just finds them annoying.

    Username: AmericanSephiroth
    name: Blood
    race: Black and red wolf
    status: mercenary
    ability: illusion also he can heal a bit faster if he drinks blood
    Appearance: wolf- page 4 last post
    illusion- page 4 last post
    personality- quiet as human but calm relaxed and pretty polite. as a wolf he is violent mean and always ready to kill for a price
    bio: Blood hates humans and will always want to kill them he used to kill for the foxes and wolves but forever will hold a grudge and even now he wields a sword made of hardened human bones and diamonds rarely does he turn into an illusion form because he hates to associate with humans but he is also wanted for his glowing fur.


    Username- Maxix
    Name- Reji
    Ability- Reji was born with a power that lets her see through the wolfs/foxes illusions, When she uses it her eyes turn purple.
    Personality- kind, loves adventure
    Bio- Lives in a small house in a city, Reji's a lonely teen with with a single mother. Lived there all her life and spends most of the day daydreaming about what everything must of looked like before nature was destroyed. Never had any friends due to her view on nature
    Preview post- Reji sat at her desk looking at her favorite picture on the wall, a peacefull meadow filled with flowers and deer. "Mom....did that ever exist?" Her mom sighed and nodded. Reji became curious, "Do you think it'll ever look like that again?" Her mom sadly shook her head. Reji frowned and set her head on her desk and fell asleep......

    Username- mixt
    Name- Xemit
    Race- Human
    Status- scientist
    Ability- none
    Personality- Can be very obsessive over his work and believes science is absolute truth, hating those who say things like “nature is crying” when it rains
    Bio- He lived and grew up normally, went to school, made friends, and eventually got a job. He prides himself in advancements in much needed oxygenation devices since the plants have died. He had heard legends of animals living amongst them in disguise, but didn’t give it any credit until he heard of the dead animals that were recently found and is now searching for a living specimen to discover how the illusion is pulled off.

    Username-The Road to Darkness
    Name- Brad Trentus
    Race- Human
    Status- Hunter
    Ability- ability to see wolves/foxes with eyes,
    Appearance- on first page post 8
    Personality- he is quiet, loves to fight, but always prefers killing his targets up close and personally
    Bio- he lived his life quietly and has dawned his father's weapon and armor and now hunt for a gift for a girl... fur...
    Preview post: you know how i RP

    Username- guardian_of_ light
    Name- Xathabat
    Ability- they are born with a power that lets them see through the illusion seeing the animal when the selected human uses the power their eyes turn purple. But if an animal gets hurt and they start to bleed their illusion becomes weaker.
    Appearance- page 2 post 1
    Personality- Shy, head strong, kind, loves animals
    Bio- She lost her family in a fire and a wolf saved her and she has been gratefull ever since.
    Preview post-
    Xathabat was woundering the streets with a hood jcaket on looking down at the ground mumbling to herself.”what can I do to help..”she whispered lightly.
  2. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Nature is crying.

    Username- Cstar7777
    Name- Umi
    Race- Wolf
    Status- Royal, Hidden off as a Regular.
    Ability- illusion.
    Appearance- Human Form
    Wolf Form
    Personality- Shy, Adventurous, comical.
    Bio- She was the wolf princess, but her mom eventually got worried and had her hide off as a regular, she's done a good job at it. And sometimes gets too hyper for her own sake and a small part of her wolf form shows. Then she runs off. That is her only flaw.
    Preview post- Umi was sitting down outside of her house staring up at the moon, it was a clear sky, and when it came to the moon she was always outside. "To the moon, your radiance is the only thing that keeps me happy anymore." she whispered to herself.
  3. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
  4. Maxix Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 21, 2009
    Where I wish I wasn't
    Nature is crying.

    Username- Maxix
    Name- Reji
    Ability- Reji was born with a power that lets her see through the wolfs/foxes illusions, When she uses it her eyes turn purple.
    Personality- kind, loves adventure
    Bio- Lives in a small house in a city, Reji's a lonely teen with with a single mother. Lived there all her life and spends most of the day daydreaming about what everything must of looked like before nature was destroyed. Never had any friends due to her view on nature
    Preview post- Reji sat at her desk looking at her favorite picture on the wall, a peacefull meadow filled with flowers and deer. "Mom....did that ever exist?" Her mom sighed and nodded. Reji became curious, "Do you think it'll ever look like that again?" Her mom sadly shook her head. Reji frowned and set her head on her desk and fell asleep......
  5. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
  6. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    Username- mixt
    Name- Xemit
    Race- Human
    Status- scientist
    Ability- none
    Personality- Can be very obsessive over his work and believes science is absolute truth, hating those who say things like “nature is crying” when it rains
    Bio- He lived and grew up normally, went to school, made friends, and eventually got a job. He prides himself in advancements in much needed oxygenation devices since the plants have died. He had heard legends of animals living amongst them in disguise, but didn’t give it any credit until he heard of the dead animals that were recently found and is now searching for a living specimen to discover how the illusion is pulled off.
  7. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    thankiez mixt your char is accepted ill probally make an scientist myself :)
  8. Smackdoodle McGiggles Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 4, 2009
    Username-The Road to Darkness
    Name- Brad Trentus
    Race- Human
    Status- Hunter
    Ability- ability to see wolves/foxes with eyes, ability to transform into different forms (like a drive form)
    Avenger form
    Assassin form
    Abyssal form
    Appearance- [​IMG]
    Personality- he is quiet, loves to fight, but always prefers killing his targets up close and personally
    Bio- he lived his life quietly and has dawned his father's weapon and armor and now hunt for a gift for a girl... fur...
    Preview post: you know how i RP ::L:

    nature is crying
  9. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    everything fine is on your char except cant have drive forms sorry the only ability is able to see through the illusions buddy :)
  10. Smackdoodle McGiggles Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 4, 2009
    damn >.>....
  11. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    dont be mad be glad lol xD
  12. guardian_of_ light Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 14, 2007
    Waiting for the new Zelda game O.O....
    OOC: can i join?

    but nature is crying

    Username- guardian_of_ light
    Name- Xathabat
    Ability- they are born with a power that lets them see through the illusion seeing the animal when the selected human uses the power their eyes turn purple. But if an animal gets hurt and they start to bleed their illusion becomes weaker.
    Appearance- [​IMG]
    Personality- Shy, head strong, kind, loves animals
    Bio- She lost her family in a fire and a wolf saved her and she has been gratefull ever since.
    Preview post-
    Xathabat was woundering the streets with a hood jcaket on looking down at the ground mumbling to herself.â€what can I do to help..â€she whispered lightly.

    Name- Xaid
    Race- wolf
    Status-wolf regular
    Ability- illusion
    Appearance- [​IMG]
    Personality- quiet, shy, loner, proective, sensitive, has a soft side but likes to hide it.
    Bio- he saved Xathabat when her house was on fire the day he was sent to kill her farther whom was a scientest and has felt bad ever since so he hides and watchs over her. He dosent really care about the foxes and just finds them annoying.
  13. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    both chars are accepted guardian :)
  14. guardian_of_ light Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 14, 2007
    Waiting for the new Zelda game O.O....
    *squels* YAY ^^ *glomps* tanxs
  15. Smackdoodle McGiggles Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 4, 2009
    alright then for my OC, scrap the forms ill have the usual power then, and my main form only then, say, are guns allowed for hunting? or is it just bows?
  16. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    guns are acceptable since technology have grown considerably :)

    and no prob guardian o also can you provide me an link or image for the wolf appearance on for the your wolf char :)
  17. Smackdoodle McGiggles Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 4, 2009
    ok then can i have my character use guns along with sword since i cant use forms?
  18. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    alright your char can have an pistol cause that sword is already scary enougth :)
  19. Smackdoodle McGiggles Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 4, 2009
    alrighty i guess so ::L:


    fine ill use a scoped 44. magnum >;D
  20. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    alright acceptable with no more time wasting time for the rp to begin :)
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