OMG!!! I LUV IT!!!!!!! How do you draw like that? *ish jealous* And yeah, you should color it would look so cool!
the proportions are screwed :/ the arm looks like its disconnected.... i like the face though. and please do :]
Its rather nice, you should color it. Only crits would be (on our left) her elbow appears to be missing, and her left (our right) hand, the wrist could be made a little more defined and a little thinner as it goes near the hand. Other than that, she turned out quite lovely. :]
lol, yeah I'm aware of how messed up her arms are XDD I'm planning to fix that later when I color. But Thanks for the crits anyway! I had actually forgotten to draw her right elbow (ah, im so tired, i cant beleive I forgot to XDD) So thanks for catching that. = )
it would be cooler if you give it a background, like castle oblivion, like put an arch in there, and window and stuff, but it's only a suggestion, you don't have to do it it's pretty good! i suggest you color it!
I really like the hair, lot of detail. overall, i think its a very good drawing and you should definatley add color.
That's a reasonably good sketch. I second what Zandyne said about the arms - but as an add-on, I believe the her right (to our left) arm (from the shoulder to elbow) appears to be quite long... Along with the fact she's not standing straight, if my eyes ain't playing tricks on me - it kinda looks like she's slanted. :/ Nice work still. =D
Argh, I forgot to add in a tiny detail that might help! If you add in some wrinkles into her dress/skirt, it'll help make her 'slanted' posture make more sense. @_@