Namine Anna Mae Meehaa Chapter 1

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Rikus#1fangirl, May 16, 2007.

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  1. Rikus#1fangirl Banned

    Apr 29, 2007
    In darkness
    Namine Anna Mae Meehaa…Pronunciation: (Meeyaa)

    Namine was sitting in a white room, all to herself. The silence soon sustained her peaceful mode…She was sitting in a white chair, and began drawing a woman…She had a black long sleeve shirt-hoody with a hood, black jeans, and two colored hair…Her hair was 2 feet long…one foot going up, was black…From the roots down, it was white… She drew the person she was named after…Her name, was Namine Anna Mae Meehaa…
    Namine Anna Mae Meehaa was Kairi’s grandmother, who supposedly had gone missing when she was 14.Namine knew nothing about her…She was a hero…She was known as the Masked Age-less Hybrid… She would wear a split-in-two diamond stone necklace around her neck, which would allow her to transform…
    Her eyes would go from aqua to pink, her clothing would change from black to white, and even her voice changed…The only thing that didn’t was her hair color… It stayed black and white, so to keep her identity a secret, she would hide it, under her hood…
    Namine sometimes wondered why she was named after a hero…Was it because she was special, because she was a nobody? Even she doesn’t have all the answers…

    Namine Anna Mae Meehaa has be lost for nearly 50 years…She entered a sleep mode…and would reawaken, once it was time the world needed her again… She kept her youth…but her memory sustained…

    Roxas walked in on Namine, who continued to draw… Roxas walked over and saw the picture…
    “Who is that?” Roxas asked…Namine closed her eyes… and drew one last detail without looking…A scar on each eye…Namine could feel where each line went…She paced herself drawing them…
    “Her name is Namine Anna Mae Meehaa…I was supposedly named after her and I want to find out why,” Namine spoke very softly as Roxas stood beside her… Roxas looked very closely at the picture…
    “What are you staring at?” Namine asked Roxas… Roxas pointed to an object that the woman was holding…
    “What is that?” Roxas asked calmly… Namine examined the object…
    “That is the Mask of Serenity… It concealed her secret identity…” Namine spoke softly…
    Roxas examined the mask…It was purple, and looked as if small waves were about to jump off at the ends…It had 4 loose strings attached…2 on each side… The formation of lines made it possible to make out that it was the ocean…
    Roxas then remembered why he’d come inside the room… He had news for her…
    “Namine, there is a new girl that was born a Nobody…Her name is Natalie (Nat-al-lay),” Roxas explained… Namine stopped drawing and pushed her pencil with great force into the pieces of paper…She started breathing heavily…Her eyes stared at the page and she soon pressed too hard and broke the pencil in half… Roxas put his hand on top of her hand…
    “Are you okay?” Roxas asked concerned about her… Namine looked at Roxas and hesitated…
    “Natalie, sounds a lot like my name…” Namine said while breathing a lot harder and a lot faster… She acted as if she were about to have a panic attack, but she took a deep breath, and formed a corridor of Darkness in front her seat…
    “Tell Diz, I’ll be back soon,” she said turning to Roxas… Roxas stared at her and nodded… She smiled at stood up…She soon then walked out of the room and into the corridor…
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