nameless. [Not a kH FF] XDD

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Katsumi1, Apr 29, 2009.

  1. Katsumi1 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 26, 2009
    hmm.. welp I've started writing a fanfic and unfortunately its not KH, it's the Prince of Tennis. It's only the first chapter, but really hope you enjoy it. ^_^

    ~ A Sealed Kiss ~​

    Katsumi gripped Tezuka’s hand as they neared her house. She glanced up at her boyfriend trying to read his face.

    “Tezuka-kun?†her soft voice settled a gentle look upon Tezuka’s face. “Tezuka-kun can we go out tomorrow as well?†He slightly tilted his head studying Katsumi’s face. Her deep green eyes pleaded for an immediate answer, but Tezuka kept silent. She waited on the porch for his response. “Tezuka-kun, don’t tease me,†she pouted standing on her tip toes to level her face with his. Tezuka readjusted the bridge of his glasses on his nose.

    “Seigaku is playing Hyoutei in less than a week,†he announced slipping his hands into hers. “The team needs continue to practice and I need to be there.â€

    “So no?â€

    Tezuka nodded. His hands glided to Katsumi’s face caressing her soft skin filling Katsumi’s heart with pure excitement. He leaned in – words escaping his mouth in a whisper. “Katsumi-chan I think discontinuing these dates will benefit us both…â€

    “Huh?†Katsumi pulled back in surprise, but Tezuka’s grasp pulled her closer. Their lips collided in haste, though Katsumi’s mind was too wrapped in Tezuka’s words to find enough strength to break the kiss. “Discontinuing the dates†Katsumi’s faced frowned in a pout. “Is he breaking up with me?†“Demo.. but why is he…â€

    Tezuka parted from Katsumi to kiss her forehead. “Good night Katsumi-chan.†Katsumi watched Tezuka’s body fade from her view as her vision blurred with forming tears. She rubbed her eyes. He did break up with her, and so casually at that – he even kissed her.

    “Katsumi?†Eiji’s head peaked out the door. “I heard talking so I figured you were home. Fuji’s staying the night since we have practice in the morning. How was your-†Eiji paused as he noticed his sister’s tear stained eyes.

    “?Daijoubu ka?†Eiji’s face immediately flushed with concern. “Are you alright?†Katsumi’s lower lip quavered at such a question. Did she look alright? Katsumi shook her head as she dashed into the house darting to her room.

    “K-katsumi†Fuij and Eiji both chimed out, though their words were not reaching her. A loud slam sent shivers down both Fuji’s and Eiji’s spine. They stared at one another.

    “Should I check on her?†Eiji questioned closing the door. His shoulders slumped as he sighed. “Everyone is sleep…†Fuji repositioned himself in his heap of covers on the couch.

    “If you leave her alone she’ll just cry,†Fuji remarked “Make some tea then go to her.†Eiji nodded and headed towards the kitchen. Fuji frowned as he removed himself from the covers. Katsumi’s face was so sad – what did Tezuka do? Fuij moved quietly to the stairs, glancing back to make sure Eiji hadn’t noticed his absence.

    Fuji stood outside Katsumi’s bedroom door; he could hear her sobbing relentlessly. He touched the doorknob, slowly turning it. Was he right to involve himself with Katsumi’s and Tezuka’s relationship? His mind flashed back to that day – that day in the subway when Tezuka asked Katsumi out. Tezuka was quite aware of Fuji’s feelings for her, but why? Why? Fuji pushed away the flashback then opened the door. He was in love with Katsumi; he didn’t want to see her in pain.

    “Katsumi-chan…†she was laying on her bed, her face confined to her pillow. “Katsumi-chan?†he slightly hesitated then gently rubbed her back. Her sobs burst out into louder cries which caused Fuji to jerk away. He frowned – there was no way he could reach her at this state.

    “G-go. Go away,†Katsumi instructed, though her voice carried no firmness at all. She gripped tighter to her pillow. The only thing running through her mind was Tezuka. Those deep gray eyes?, his soft touch. Katsumi cringed at just the thought. I thought… I thought he loved me.

    Though Fuji would not give up – his love for Katsumi was something that even he barely understood. “Katsumi-chan…†he tried again touching Katsumi’s small hand. His gentle touch caused her to peer up. Her green eyes pleaded in pure pain. Fuij wiped a single tear with his index finger. “If you cry so much, your face will be all puffy,†Fuji exaggerated puffing up his cheeks. A faint smile curled at Katsumi’s lips; her eyes blinked spilling more tears.

    “F-fuji-san...†Katsumi’s voice chocked on her tears. Fuji smiled welcoming Katsumi into his arms. He stroked her back, soothing her tears. Katsumi clung tightly to Fuji’s shirt feeling for his body warmth. I hear his heart beat. A shiver slid down Katsumi’s spine as she let out a sigh. She closed her eyes concentrating on Fuji. It’s very soothing.

    Ba-dum ~ Ba-dum...​
    It was like a trance, a bewitching sound that captured Katsumi immediately; her breathing slowed to its more natural pace. A smile adorned Fuji’s lips as he stroked her red hair. She was so close, temptation filled his heart – so close, they could easily brush lips. Fuji pushed the thought away – his love was too pure to take advantage of Katsumi. She clung tighter to Fuji wrapping her arms around his waist; his heart beat keeping her in a trance.

    Ba-dum ~ Ba​

    - slight pause, then -​


    Did his heart... his heart…

    Fuji cheeks flushed red as he rubbed the lower tip of nose feeling quite embarrassed. Katsumi lay limp in his arms – he stroked her hair once again then clung tightly to her, a fresh scent of sakura filled his nose. He was quite grateful she fell asleep. He closed his eyes hugging Katsumi. He loved her so much – he was quite good at hiding his feelings physically, but his heart – his heart had skipped a beat. If Katsumi had been awake – she would have… would have. Fuji blushed harder.

    “Katsumi,†Eiji noticed her crying had stopped and approached the door with a tea tray. “F-fuji!?†he jolted back in surprise. Fuji looked at Eiji and smiled.

    aid if you left her alone, she’d just cry.â€

    “And you also told me to make her tea,†Eiji sighed entering the room. He glanced at his sleeping sister then at Fuji. “Now I made all this for nothing.â€

    “Not necessarily.†Fuji laid Katsumi onto her covers. “I’ll take that off your hands.†Eiji’s head tilted in question.

    “Weren’t you just holding my sister?â€