Name that Character!!!

Discussion in 'The Playground' started by Ol'Sephy, Nov 26, 2009.

  1. Ol'Sephy Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 11, 2008
    In a mako tank. God, it sucks being soaked in thi
    Well, I saw this on another site and thought that I'd try it out here, (providing it hasn't been done yet)...

    In this game, I will post a picture of a character. It can be from a cartoon, a live-action production, a video game, a book... It doen't matter. If it's a fictitious character, then it's allowed! Anyway, I post a picture and up to ten, (10), guesses can be made as to who it is. And this means IN TOTAL. That means if Person 1 guesses five, (5), times, Person 2 guesses once, (1), and Person 3 guesses four, (4), times, then that's ten guesses and I win. I get to post another picture. And it will continue until someone guesses right. Then, they get to post a pic of any character and everyone has to guess. It's like charades, in a way.

    Here's an example of a couple of scenarios...

    Do you know the rules? xD

    So, I'll start off...


    Have fun!

    - Ol'Sephy