Ignore this, she's giving you the illusion of choice. She'll find a way to pussy out of whatever actually wins if she doesn't like it.
Oh that's wonderful, someone suggested you a name that you like so it's a possibility. But god forbid that a name you don't prefer gets a get twice in the thread you made as specified by your rules, right? That's just unfair to you.
No, but people who don't stick by the promises they make are admittedly pretty high up there on my "List of People Who Annoy Me".
But did I promise to make the name change? Nothing said in the spamzone can be taken seriously. Nothing.
Exactly what is said. You made a get thread. You apparently had no idea what you were doing in that action.
Yeah, pointing out what I'm doing wrong in assessing a situation that I believe needs to be assessed is a good way to draw attention away from the actual conflict at hand.