
Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Arch, Jul 13, 2014.

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  1. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    • Legend has it that this world was born through the war of gods and their countless deaths. It is even believed by some that this world, its star Aten, and its moon Iah were formed from the deaths of their namesakes. When humans came into being they displayed magical abilities which, in time, became the power that fueled their wars. Stories of old tell of heroes who performed godlike acts for the sake of peace spawning the legends of the Mystics, a powerful race of beings who have long since left this world to allow humanity to progress at its own pace.

      Throughout its history humans have displayed excessive violence towards one another. It was only that through the events of one horrific battle three thousand years ago that their conflicts over territory and power were ceased. Dubbed The Last War, its greatest battle left Pando, their world, scarred by the complete annihilation of its largest country Amelatu.

      After The Last War Amelatu’s capital, Zenith, was rebuilt as a reminder of what was lost. Even today Zenith still stands and has only grown in size since that day. It serves as a central attraction for yearly festivities that commemorate the end of the war. Being the three thousandth year since The Last War’s end, this day will be something exceptionally special...and different...

    • World Map


      A country with a tough mountainous climate and a tougher people, it has a large defense force simply known as “The Knights of Eridis” who exist solely to uphold the law and protect their country from Pando’s more dangerous wildlife. Officers of the Knights are easily distinguishable from others as they travel through the air with the use of domestic dragons(which have been bred so that they no longer breathe fire). The people here are often friendly and respected for their strength.


      Though both Zenith and Eridis have advanced a great deal in the sciences over millennia, Belnuru serves as a center for the scientific community. It is through the breakthroughs within Belnuru that have allowed for the creation of energy generators that draw on the naturally occurring Aether in the world. Even in its defense force Belnuru makes use of metallic giants known as Golems. This urban environment also brought a quick means of transportation throughout its country and to both Eridis and Zenith by way of a vast network of railways. It goes without saying that the people of Belnuru are often thought to be highly intelligent.


      The rebuilt capital of the fallen country Amelatu, Zenith is a massive city home to the wealthy and the powerful. Children from both Eridis and Belnuru yearn to be accepted into its academy and very few ever pass the entrance exam. Graduating from the Zenith Academy almost guarantees a bright future. During the yearly celebrations for the end of The Last War, political figures from all over Pando visit this grand city.

    • The Aether is said to be the beginning of magic itself. Humans are attuned to it in such a way that magical abilities manifest. Creatures like dragons have a natural affinity towards using it directly but humans are unable to directly control pure Aether without the assistance of technology.

      The use of magic causes fatigue and if an unexperienced practioner uses their powers at a level their bodies are not capable of handing it may cause death. Using powerful magic creates an aura around the user which can be sensed by others nearby.

    • Part One: The First War

      Before time. Before light. Before darkness. There was chaos. There was war. There was blood. Beings of unimaginable power fought without reason other than for the thirst of victory. The first to be slain was Adar and with His death came both light and darkness. Thus was the birth of the first star from His body. War raged long after the universe was bathed in the light of fallen Gods. The death of Pando, the gentlest of the Gods, created a dense star that bore no light of its own. Unable to bear eternity without Him, His mate Iah took Her own life. Iah was destined to dance through space with Pando as two forever dark stars. Aten, the mightiest of the Gods, could no longer bring Himself to fight. Determined to see peace amongst His brethren He breathed His last and brought forth the most brilliant radiance seen in the universe, His magnificent brilliance extending out to the furthest reaches of existence. Upon seeing the new star, the Gods fought no longer.

      New life began to sprout on the body of Pando and upon seeing this; the Gods were immediately drawn to bring their influence upon the creatures. They argued long over how to allow the new creatures grow and it was not until they battled once more, scaring the face of Pando and casting darkness across half of His body. All but One had perished in the battle. Nasaru, The Guardian, had chosen not to fight. She watched as Pando’s children began to die from the vile corruption left by the Gods on His body. With Her power She blessed the scar on His face and created a pure white barrier behind which the creatures could survive. Unwilling to make the same mistakes Her fallen brethren had She vanished leaving the children of Pando to thrive on their new home.

      Part Two: The Tale of Albion

      The White Mountains stretched across the world of Pando. It was forbidden to cross them as in doing so, one would transform into a hideous demon. The Untainted Valley was home to three tribes of magical beings. The first were the Solomonari, those who were gifted with the elements of nature. The second were the Urias, the hunters, who were blessed with strength, speed, and agility beyond that of the other tribes. The third were the Valva, those who were given the ability to change form at will. Together they were united under Solon, the Overseer. The Overseer was a position of in which its successor was always chosen by its predecessor and was given powers not present in any other tribe. The Overseer was to ensure that peace reigned within the Untainted Valley.

      Aged 13, a Solomonari whose name has been lost to time, He found himself face to face with a demon, His own mother who had accidentally crossed the White Mountains. Before His tribesmen could kill her He displayed a power that had never been seen before. Unwilling to allow his mother to be slain, with a touch of His hand He purified her thus reverting her back to her original form.

      Aged 17, under sanction from the Overseer, the young Solomonari continued to purify those who had transformed into demons. Their eyes were not the same as they once were leading many to believe they were still possessed by evil. The golden glow of their eyes unnerved the tribes of the Untainted Valley. Despite His great efforts He could not convince them to accept the Purified. Against the dying Overseer’s wishes the tribes began to take it upon themselves to rid the Valley of the Purified.

      • Name: Kendric Ritter
        Age: 19
        Appearance: Kendric
        Personality: Laidback, lighthearted, and unwilling to start a fight. Kendric is loyal to his friends and is always determined to do what is right. He has a fear of letting others down and being forced into situations where people could get hurt.
        Home: Eridis
        Occupation: Student
        Magic: Augmentation – The ability to enhance physical attributes for short periods of time.
        Specialty: Extensive background in history.
        Other: His father is the Second-In-Command of Eridis’s Knights.

        Name: Cassian Wyllt
        Age: 24
        Appearance: Cass
        Personality: Cass is determined to do the right thing regardless of whether or not his choice is a popular one. He prefers to act rather than speak and can come off as cold with his straightforward nature.
        Home: Zenith
        Occupation: None
        Magic: ?
        Specialty: Talented at spellcasting.
        Other: Graduated from Zenith's academy several years ago at the top of his class.

      • Name: Sasha Ki
        Age: 19
        Appearance: Wazza
        Personality: Very optimistic and carefree. She gets very distracted by things in need of assistance where it be something small like a dirty smudge to larger problems. Though if needed, she can draw a line in case someone decides to push her a bit too far.
        Home: Belnuru
        Occupation: Student
        Magic: Growth - Enhance the growing power and strength of plants to an extent
        Specialty: Large expansive memory on plants, wildlife, and history
        Other: Ironically, her mother and father are involved in research on the naturalistic front.
      • Name: Zauriel l'Zrael
        Age: 18
        Appearance: Click here
        Personality: Extremely sympathetic and kind, Zauriel is one who finds the good in everything. His optimism would be annoying if it wasn't for the child-like way that he views the world. He has virtually no concept of the "big picture" and cares little for it at all. He enjoys the little things, rarely frowns, and hates politics. He reacts much like an animal to new developments. Due to the nature of his powers, he is tired quite a bit.
        Home: Eridis
        Occupation: Student (has a part-time job caretaking for animals at the school)
        Magic: Shapeshifting - Able to shapeshift his body into various forms. He's not able to shapeshift his entire body, but can change his limbs to animal limbs or grow wings, tails, horns, etc. Small details such as his eyes, ears, or hair are constantly changing.
        Specialty: Great with animals, almost to the point of communication.
        Other: Due to the huge flux of magical power within his body, Zauriel is almost constantly shapeshifting without control. This manifests in his eyes changing color or shape, his horns changing size, an unwanted tail, etc. It is usually done in tandem with his emotions or to match his environment. Because his family raised dragons for The Knights of Eridis, his forms tend to lean to dragonic.
      • Name: Damion Haal
        Age: 18
        Appearance: Damion
        Personality: Damion is a somewhat quiet boy. He's not known to openly speak to others unless they speak to him first. Though behind this shy shell is someone who cares about the few friends he's actually can make.
        Home: Eridis
        Occupation: Student
        Magic: Gun Manipulation - Damion is able to reform the pistol he carries with him into any other weapon so long as there has been prior contact with the gun he wishes to make and or he can form a clear mental image of how he wants it come out.
        Specialty: Has a fair knowledge on guns
        Other: N/A
      • Name: Poke Kuvari
        Age: 16
        Appearance: He's 5'9" tall, has black hair, and cyan eyes. He wears a red coat, a black T-shirt inside, dark-blue jeans and white-black sneakers.
        Personality: He's pretty friendly and warm towards other, although he may crack some bad jokes, and maybe even act rude at times, but it's all in good spirit. Poke's someone that loves to make other people happy, and if he sees someone in a bad mood, he'll do his best to try to help.
        Home: Zenith
        Occupation: Student
        Magic: Augmentation – The ability to enhance physical attributes for short periods of time. However, he's most experienced(And prefers) with using it on his legs. Since he spent so much time concentrating on just those specific areas, he's grown inexperienced with using it on other muscles, so if he tries using it on any other area, he has a chance to completely fail, or just stop halfway through the time limit.
        Teleportation - By imagining himself in a certain location, Poke can use teleportation, with a certain range. He doesn't have the risk of accidentally teleporting in to objects, he'll automatically avoid it, although there is a risk, one that makes him scared to use this power in large bursts or in certain situations. He can teleport in succession, but that's if he gets lucky. Many times, he'll 'lag'. Basically, you'll see him fizzing like static from where he starts, some random distance to his destination, and then he'll just stop at some point, completely frozen(And I mean literally frozen, even in midair). Once he unfreezes, which can take a few seconds to a few minutes, he'll unable to teleport for a certain amount of time depending on how far he attempted to, also up to a few minutes. So if he lags in the middle of a fight, or if he finds himself high up in the air, he's pretty much screwed.
        Specialty: He's highly proficient in acts related to running, such as parkour.
        Other: N/A
      • Name: Jen Forte
        Age: 17
        Appearance: Jen
        Personality: Jen is very quiet and observant and tends to talk short, but doesn't not talk. When he does speak it tends to be about something very important. He's not shy, in fact he's quite the opposite and enjoys company. The more clones he has, the louder he becomes and he seems less bright.
        Home: Belnuru
        Occupation: Student
        Magic: "Survey Cloning"- here
        Specialty: He's great at being stealthy, unintentionally. Sometimes he's so light on his feet people don't realize he entered the room.
        Other: N/A

        Name: Tal Gaeta & Ember
        Age: 19
        Appearance: Tal --- Ember
        Personality: Tal is always up for adventure and is very energetic, but tends to keep to herself and stick with dragons. Although she does keep to herself, she still enjoys talking to people, but isn't very good at staying friends with people since she tends to evade them as much as she can. If she isn't running about she's probably eating, or learning more about dragons.
        Home: Eridis
        Occupation: Student
        Magic: Dragon Link- Able to telepathically communicate with dragons. She shares even more of a connection with dragons that are her own, such as Ember.
        Specialty: She's very charismatic in her speaking, which is why it's more disappointing when she doesn't keep up relationships with people.
        Other: Her dragon, Ember, breathes fire. Since it isn't normal for dragons anymore she tends to keep quiet about it.

    Last edited: Sep 4, 2014
  2. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    In three thousand years the story of one man became legend. Regardless of whether or not anyone believed the stories of the religious, the world had been shaped by the tales of just one being. The current day calendar was numbered as such, marking this the beginning of the new year. 3000 A.H. After Heroah. Rather than some great battle between godlike beings for the fate of the world, scholars believe that Amelatu had been destroyed by a powerful yet primitive "aether bomb". Instead of one man rebuilding Zenith single-handedly they believe it was the efforts of the survivors of The Last War who were responsible for such a feat. Whatever the case this much is true, Pando has never seen war since that day.

    Golden eyes flashed as they skimmed through the paper. His paper. His thoughts often went back to his decision to write about this subject as it might have been too controversial of a topic to take a defensive stance on the legends of Heroah in an academic setting. The red markings by the page's title were what calmed him down. Kendric's professor told him that he had gotten one of the highest grades of his year. As much as that pleased him, he knew exams were not over just yet.

    Today everyone in the academy had been getting their results from exams. Writing. Math. Science. All but one... The last exam of the school year. It wasn't required to graduate but if anyone wished to enter in their homeland's defense or police force, they would have to pass it with flying colors.

    They called it "The Trial" which sounded a lot more ominous than it really was. It was a physical and magical test. At the end of every year it was the same test. Younger students did not have to worry about passing it for only the final test before graduation actually counted. It would not have been so daunting if it stayed consistent for everyone. Graduating students were always graded harshly and Kendric had yet to ever pass the test.

    Taking a moment to pat his hair down Kendric sighed and trashed his paper. It would hardly matter what he got if he returned home having failed the test his father had set the record for.
    "It's now or never." He pushed his door open and headed out the dormitory, passing by students who were already heading back. Groups of students were assigned a time to arrive and take the exam. Those coming back had just finished and by the smiles on their faces it was easy to tell that they had passed.

    Kendric lowered his head in shame to keep from meeting their eyes.
    "I don't even want to do this stupid test." Grass crunched under his shoes as he crossed the courtyard by the dorms and headed into the next building. His footsteps echoed as he walked on the white stone floor. This was the oldest building of the academy and its sole purpose these days was for the sake of the Trial. The large white hall was empty save for Kendric and the woman overseeing the exam. Dean Fey. Normally the academy's head would have been here but he left for the celebration leaving the dean in charge.

    "Good morning, Dean." Kendric placed a hand over his mouth to stifle a yawn. Deep down he hoped that the others would sleep the day away. If nobody else showed up, there would be no exam. He knew someone who was still recovering from last year's Trial. Why did it have to be against a golem?

  3. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    Tal did not want to do this. Tal had to do this. It wasn't even an option for her to skip out on it this year. But she would try her damnedest to show up as late as she could without being tardy. Having a link with dragons was clearly no secret, it was what got her in the academy to begin with. She didn't necessarily have to pass it, but it would be so much better for her if she did. Or at least that's what her parents kept telling her from time to time. It was more of a matter of her parents wanting her to be a knight which was apparently something everyone wanted.

    Or at least that's how it would appear to her whenever it was mentioned.

    Tal sat at a bench examining her science scores which was definitely helping her feel a little better about everything. So far her scores seemed high enough, not ridiculously high to make her a genius but high enough to make people think she was insane when she said she didn't study. She felt something shift in her bag and she rolled her eyes and whispered,
    "Ember, stop it, I needed you here for moral support today, I don't want have you pulled away during the trial."

    The little dragon popped it's head out from the bag and hissed, and she felt a softness on her forehead before she heard in a child's voice,
    "It's dark in here, diifahdon. You told me never to use brisingr, it's also not cold in here to use it... I don't like being alone, diifahdon."

    Tal chuckled a little bit and opened up the bag,
    "Fly a bit, okay? Then go back in. You won't be alone much longer, just the trial, then we're done. Okay, malzeymah?"

    The dragon flew out of her bag and went up to her shoulder, where it nudged her ear slightly and sat down. Tal picked up the dragon and spoke,
    "I said fly around, not sleep on my shoulder."
    "Brinnah! Sevesao maniden vakuran ide-"
    "You're such a child."
    "Maaaan... fine fine..." the little dragon fly out of her hands and flew higher before he simply stopped flying and Tal freaked out and ran over to catch him. When she did, she put him back in the bag.

    "No! Brinnah! Don't put me-"
    "You can't stop in midair you'll get yourself hurt... plus, I need to go."
    "But diffadon..." the childish voice complained before she hushed him again.

    Tal made her way to the old building, or as Ember referred to it when he heard it mentioned, Bliranaflr. She had no idea, she didn't know what the word meant, but she figured it was a word that she couldn't translate into something she could understand. There were plenty of those, words dragons had that they did not, they had no direct translation because it was something the world did not have. Seishad for example, was a word she did not understand, but the closest she could come to was saying "the warmth our outside egg maintains to keep us from becoming one with death, not of love but one above mother brings" but when she said that, Ember claimed that was too complicated.

    She got to the building and she was surprised, considering she assumed she'd be one of the last one's here, she was surprised to see only one person had indeed arrived other than the Dean. She wanted to come late in hopes to avoid discussion, so she quickly pulled a book out of her bag and fought with Ember to keep him in before she got closer to the two. She bowed her head slightly and spoke,
    "Good morning." she looked over and saw Kendric and bowed her head in respect at him before she opened up her book and lifted it up to read to kill the time.

    Ember poked his little head outside the flap without making it too noticeable and he looked around and saw Kendric and yelled, although only Tal could hear it,
    "Osandrs zeymah! Is he taking this test too? Oh his Sandr must be proud. I want to wish him luck!"

    Tal did not budge as spoke back to him telepathically in her head,
    "So help me if you leave this ba-"

    "Atra gülai un ilian tauthr ono un atra ono waíse sköliro frá rauthr!" Tal rolled her eyes knowing that Kendric wouldn't have heard it anyway, but then she heard a small roar and Tal quickly let out a gasp before she hit her bag and Ember flew back to the bottom. Tal sealed the bag tighter while Ember shouted, "No, brinnah! Brinnah! I'm sorry!" then she went back to her book.

    Ember found a hole in the bag and stuck his head out again and looked over at Kendric.
  4. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A
    [Pretend there is a large and awesome banner here for you to see and awe at]
    Sasha hummed, staring at her papers. As usual, she hot exceptionally high scores in her subjects, almost acing them all. She wasn't too surprised. She was very talented and experienced when it came to academics. Perhaps besides her rather underwhelming magic, she could at least appreciate this. She stuffed her papers in her bag and made her way to the building where they would hold The Trial.

    Truth be told, she was very nervous. She was pretty frail in physical abilities and health to the point where she almost failed her physical education classes and had one of the higher ups to exempt her form some of the tests. Magic wise as well, it wasn't very impressive either. The most impressive feat she could do was rapidly shorten the time to grow a fruit from a bush or a tree within an hour.

    She was assuming the magic tests were going to be based off combat usefulness as much of the public looked up and favored those talented in combat magic. If there was a pyramid for magic, she would be at the very bottom. Alteration and modification magic was the least favorable unless working low tier jobs such as farmers or blacksmiths mostly there to support the higher ups.

    Along the way, she noticed one of the flowers alongside the path to the building was stepped on and crushed. She knelt down and cupped her hands around the flower. "May you stand up strong so that insects and other animals that feed and bask in your beauty admire you." As she spoke, a soft light glowed around the flower, making the damaged flower twitch and eventually stand up straight, looking brand new and untouched. She then hurried along to the building, meeting up with Dean and giving him a bow as well as making small waves to the other two that were already there.
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2014
  5. jackdaniel0 Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 9, 2011
    Deep within my brain
    If Poke tried to keep count of how much turn-arounds he'd done in his pacing, he'd lose count after fifty. Right now, his mind was focused on two things, the first being his scores. Definitely better than he thought. Most areas, he'd gotten marginally above average in. Few areas, he excelled in, but there were also some that he just wasn't naturally good with. For now, he was satisfied. But there was also another problem he had to face. Stuffing the paper in to his pocket, he continued his paces, a raging war taking place in his mind.

    "Naah...Yes! No...Yeeee--Naaaah....Why not--Because that, buuut..." The torrent of conflicted thoughts incited a loud groan as Poke tried to decide whether or not to do a quick practice run with his magical abilities, mainly his teleportation. For some reason, his was flawed; he could lagg, and he couldn't have that happen in a real, serious situation. So how else to correct the issue than practice it? But there was the issue with the exam about to come, and Poke wanted to make sure he'd arrive on time. At this time, it was probably a bit early, but if he ended up lagging a lot, it could easily take up a lot of time.

    "Okay...Fine, screw it, I'll do it." Finally setting his mind on a quick run, he looked around campus for a suitable spot to teleport to. "Hmhmhmmm...hmm..." His eyes locked on to a tree. The branches looked stable enough, and there would've been enough room for him to jump around. "Right..." Taking a few steps away from said tree, he shut his eyes and concentrated on the spot he wanted to go to. "C'mon..." He whispered to himself, focusing his magic to take him to the tree.

    He felt something rush past him, but then he felt a strong tug pull him backward. He opened his eyes, and he was floating a foot above the ground, completely frozen. Oh, c'mon He mentally groaned. Fortunately, it was a small distance, so the time limit couldn't of been more than half a minute. Falling down on the ground, he shook his head. "Okay...One more time..." He repeated the process, and
    when he heard the familiar sound of something--magic, maybe?--rushing past him, he knew he'd done it. Opening his eyes, he grinned as he found himself meters above the ground on top of the branch he'd visualized. "Alright!" He closed his eyes again, and pictured spot he was in before. The strange, but familiar sensation, and he opened his eyes to find success again. Giving a whoop of victory, he decided to turn up the notch a little. "Someplace else..." He said, tapping his chin. "Huh...I could teleport into the exam room...?" If he was able to, then he knew he'd be able to handle the trek. But although he knew the route to his destination, he wasn't sure how far it was exactly. The most he'd freeze is probably a few minutes, but should he risk it? He didn't even know if it was against the rules... "Hmm..."

    He sighed, and decided to make small bounces so he'd be OUTSIDE, just in case. If he lagged, he'd stop. If not, then hip-hip-hooray. Focusing his mind, he disappeared, and found himself only a few meters closer to the entrance to the exam building. "Okay...Gogogogo--" Focusing his mind again, he was just a small distance away from the entrance. "Not bad...One more, just one more, and...Whoa, okay, nope--" Feeling a sudden ache in his...everywhere, he plopped down on the grass and found himself sprawled out on his back. "Okay...A bit too much..." He muttered, catching his breath. "One more..." Gritting his teeth and stomaching the fatigue, he pushed himself onto his feet, eyes shut and focused his magic, trying to remember where he was going to flash to next. There was the exam building, and he wanted to--


    Opening his eyes, he was confused to find himself staring at a wall. Then he realized, Oh great, I'm already there. Turning around, he found the rest of the students there. Walking towards the group as if nothing happened, he gave a polite bow to the dean. "Sorry about that." What a wonderful entrance, he thought to himself. Well, at least he wasn't late. That didn't stop him from feeling the fatigue from earlier, though. He sat down, taking quick breaths, but they eventually slowed to a normal rate.
  6. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Kendric watched as the dean paced back and forth through the hall waiting for the rest of the students to arrive. Being left alone only made him more nervous. He took in a deep breath and patted his chest in an attempt to slow his racing heart. Unfortunately, it didn't work. His thoughts went back to the last time he had done this test. The golem knocked him across the hall and if he hadn't been as durable as he was, it would have broken several ribs.

    He had to pass this time...but what had really changed since then? It would only be harder now that he was graduating. Kendric looked down at his hands and chewed on his lower lip. A spell his father had taught him once came to mind. He had never used it before and, in fact, was warned never to do so. A "trick" passed down from his ancestors. Unlike other spells that required long rituals or memorization of complex phrases this one was much simpler--so much so that Kendric doubted it even did anything. There was no such thing as an easy spell.

    The sound of another's footsteps snapped Kendric out of his thoughts. He turned to see the short-haired brunette walk in. When she gave him a short bow he waved in return, smiling foolishly. Realizing how stupid it must have looked he immediately stopped and faked a cough. Not long after Tal arrived he heard some kind of strange sound come from her direction. He raised an eyebrow and turned to watch her hit her bag. A small scaly face popped out of a hole in her bag and stared his way. Kendric blinked at the creature and took a step towards the girl. It flicked its tongue out towards him before darting its head out of sight back into the bag.

    "That's a cute friend you've got there." Kendric spoke quietly as he stopped beside Tal. "Don't worry. I won't say anything." The truth was, he had known about Tal's little friend for some time now. Nobody puts that much food into their bag unless it was alive...or hiding something. Of course, to notice such a detail required a keen mind...or a good deal of observation. This was the first time he managed to get a good look at the creature she toted and speaking up was just a friendly reminder to be careful.

    Wanting to speak to her about more than just her secret Kendric asked, "What's that book you're-"

    More footsteps interrupted him. Kendric waved at the girl who walked in, glad that the place would not feel so empty now. "Anyways. What's-"

    He felt another presence in the room just appear out of thin air with a brief spike of aether in the air. The name of the boy escaped him but Kendric waved once more regardless as the other students began to crowd together with them. Kendric dropped his question and looked around the room. There weren't that many students around just yet. The others who were assigned to this group might have forgone taking the exam in favor of enjoying the celebration in the city. Some students who had no plans to take the Trial even participated in the yearly parade. They were the lucky ones.

  7. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    Of course she would be honored with the presence of someone who had to point out her mischievous friend, and she had given the man an annoyed look despite the fact he said he wouldn't say anything. Mainly because he had said something, and he could have at least silently acknowledged. No one here was deaf after all. He kept asking about the book, or at least attempted before he got cut off.

    Tal flipped to another page and waited for a time for her to reply before she spoke,
    "It is volume 12 of 18 out of the Historia Dovah das Pando which... is a tough read sometimes, but it interests me enough. This particular volume is about the Debrisingr period. I am not entirely comfortable with the treatment of dragons during this period of time, but it is history and I must learn it."

    "Brinnah I didn't mean to anger you, I just wanted to be nice..."

    "I know but I don't want you taken away because you were trying to be friendly."
  8. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Neatly placed on the desk before Damion was scores. Since he wasn't the best at socializing with other people, it wasn't much of a shock that his grades were all good. Though those exams weren't what was on his mind right now. The Trial was what was current taking the most concern within the confines of his mind. According to most of his teachers, Damion had potential to do great things, but never harnessed it. He never doubted the possibility of him having potential, but he wasn't exactly confident enough in himself to try to utilize it. Even his father's gun, which didn't do much aside from helping him relax when he needed it, didn't give him any aid at a time like this.

    Despite this he wasn't about to give up. Throughout his childhood he'd heard stories about how great his father was from his mother and despite that his father was dead, he still would try his best to make him proud. So with all the apprehension that he was feeling, the white haired teen made his way across the courtyard towards where the trial would be held. Each step that he got closer to his destination, the more butterflies in his stomach he seemed to get. Come one Damion, now's not the time to second guess yourself.

    He repeated that mentally over and over again all the way til he had gotten into the building. Still remaining silent he turned his gaze towards Dean and gave her a quick nod before standing with the others. His consistent mental reminders had helped him somewhat, but the actual trial had yet to begin so he had little choice but to wait and hope that he wouldn't be to nervous when it actually began.
  9. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    [​IMG] Ears perked, nose wiggling, lips curved, and pupils dilated marked the face of a young man as he looked up. A yawn attempted to escape the lips that imprisoned it, but it was pushed back down into captivity once more. Green eyes darted left to right to left to up, back to right, down for some reason, and once more to the left for good measure before settling on a quintet of students standing upside down on the ceiling. As his pupils regained their normal size, Zauriel l'Zrael reached up and rested his metal-clad hand in his hair, his bare fingers playing with individual strands. His other hand rested between his knees, gripping the beam tightly. As the crowd on the ceiling grew, Zauriel realized that he may have been late for the Trials. "Ah, how inconvenient a construct is the thing we call time," he mused. And it was true. Neither the dragons of Eridis nor griffins of Belniru paid much mind to the time of humans. The sun, the stars, the moon, the winds, flowing rivers, colors of trees, and the rest of the natural world dictated the time that they should follow, and yet, Zauriel had to follow man's time. Instead of being here 'before sunset' or something, he was required to be here by a specific minute of the hour of the day. Why, they might as well have given him the exact second that he should arrive and take away that natural freedom!

    As his now blue eyes watched the quintet of students walking above him, he recognized Kendric, a friend from back home. A smile revealed two sharpened teeth. Ah, Kendric. Zauriel now remembered how he had fallen asleep here. He had arrived early (if the administration required him a time to be here by, then he would be here as early as he wanted to!), snuck into a window a friendly squirrel had shown him weeks before, and found a nice resting place while he waited. Now that Kendric was here, Zauriel decided to hop to the roof and join in the fun. "And what fun these Trials are!" He exclaimed optimistically before letting go of the beam. Without warning, Zauriel fell towards the ceiling, as if gravity was pulling a cruel trick on him. Both hands stretched above him fully, palms out, and the green-haired student fell into a perfect handstand near Kendric and dropped to all fours before standing up. With a quizzical look, he gazed up. "Oh, that's right. I was the one on the ceiling!"
  10. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    "I remember reading those volumes. Though it's been some time since I've opened one of those books. I don't know why they wait until the last volume to mention Zirn-" This time, it wasn't the sound of a student merely entering that caused Kendric to stop(Damion) but rather a familiar voice accompanied with a body falling towards the ground. Kendric smirked and shook his head upon seeing his friend. "Nice of you to drop in. I was starting to think you slept in."

    "Ahem." Dean Fey cleared her through which resulted in an echo that filled the white hall.

    "S-sorry." Kendric went silent.

    "There have been some changes to the Trial specifically for this group." Kendric raised an eyebrow and looked towards Zauriel, shrugging towards him. He had never heard of the Trial being changed in any way. Especially not for a single group. "Instead of attempting to fend off a golem individually I will be placing you into groups."

    Kendric timidly raised his hand. Dean Fey looked his way but continued to speak, "Two of you will face two golems. Along with that comes a new task." She held up a strange looking wooden cube that had appeared from thin air. It was just a bit smaller than the size of someone's head. "Think of this box as if it were a baby you had just saved from the grasp of a monster. So, by whatever means necessary, do not let it touch the ground. Doing so, or allowing the golems to take it from you, results in failure of the Trial."

    Confused, Kendric lowered his hand and spoke up anyways. "But why the change? If you want us to think it's a baby why use a cube instead of...a baby shaped thing?"

    "I have my instructions. You have yours." The bluntness of her reply made Kendric frown. The only good thing to come out of this was the fact that he would be working with someone this time around. And he knew exactly who to pick as his part-

    "Don't start thinking of who you'll pair up just yet. That has already been decided." Kendric sighed. "Ms. Ki and Mr. l'Zrael. Mr. Haal and Mr. Kuvari. And our first pair to undergo the Trial, Mr. Ritter and Ms. Gaeta." Dean Fey motioned for Kendric and Tal to step forward, holding out the wooden cube towards them. Kendric hesitated, looking his partner's way before stepping forth and gazing at the box confusedly. He took it from her hand and immediately noticed how light it felt. As if it was hollowed out to contain something inside despite him being unable to notice any way to open the so-called box. None of this made any sense but regardless of whether it did or did not hardly mattered. Only the results of the Trial mattered. In the distance, at the far end of the hallway two metal golems approached, their stomping filling the air with the sheer weight of their presence.

  11. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    Partner projects... great.

    Tal looked for a place to put her bag and whispered, "Stay inside Ember, I'll be back." and she placed the bag down. She stepped forward when motioned to do so and she looked over at Kendric just to process for a moment who her partner was. She had no background on his powers or anything, she just knew he was one of the smart guys in the class. She hoped that would at least come in handy.

    When the two got into the area for the challenge, and a large glowing red ring appeared around the area they were designated to fight in. The dean stated a reminder that if they went outside the ring, they would also fail the trial. Tal took a deep breath to prepare herself. Then the two golems appeared, towering at their 15 feet in height. Tal remembered to keep herself calm and collect, and not to freak out, not to try anything stupid.

    "Alright, time to survive in the ring... you alright over there, Ritter? You need me to hold the box?"
  12. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Kendric eyed the ring cautiously, remembering how he failed the last time. Getting knocked across the hall by the fist of a golem and landing far out of the ring. He had been so close to making it through the time limit only to be smacked down. "No. The least I can do is hold this thing." His eyes shifted back towards the box then to Tal. "And if you don't mind, call me Kendric. Not Ritter." Double the golem. Double the trouble. He couldn't last against one so why would two be any easier?

    The golems lumbered towards the two making Kendric step closer towards the edge of the ring. Just a few minutes and it's all over, right? Just gotta...not be punched by a giant metal fist. One of the golems raised its fist, far quicker than one would expect a thing of such a size to be capable of, and began to bring it down towards Kendric. He ran towards the metal creature and slid under between its legs long before its fist crashed into the white stone floor. The second golem seemed to anticipate this and was already reaching for Kendric.

    "Catch!" He tossed the box Tal's way knowing it was either to risk dropping it or have it crushed by the golem. Kendric leapt to the side avoiding its grasp. As he recovered he watched as the first golem set its sights on Tal.
    Right. There's two of them. Damn.

  13. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    Tal was definitely happy that her reflexes were working today. She caught the box and saw the golem get it's sights on her. Tal decided to go with a strategy that kept her as far away from the edge of the ring as possible, since she figured that if she did get hit, she would maybe have enough reaction time to catch herself. The golem approached her as she held a firm grip on the box to make sure she didn't drop it.

    The golem seemed to decide this time it would raise it's fist up, like it did with Kendric, and she believed it at first. So much that she didn't realize it was lifting up his foot to stomp her instead. Tal realized this and quickly slid out of the way and barely missed being crushed. She let out a quick stressed out breath before she ran away from the golem and looked over at Kendric,
    "You wouldn't happen to know weaknesses or limitations of golems do you? I mean, I honestly did not pay attention to that lesson. Should have, but I didn't."
  14. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    A rush of air following behind the golem's fist caused Kendric to stagger back. He recovered before he could fall out of the ring and looked Tal's way when she called out to him. "They don't tire out. They're pretty much immune to most magic." Kendric's eyes widened as the golem did something he had never seen them do before. Its arms stretched out wide as it shifted its weight forward towards him, its shadow draping over Kendric as the metal being began to accelerate down.

    The hall shook as the golem slammed into the ground in an attempt to flatten Kendric with its massive body. Panting, Kendric stared at the hulking mass just a hair's breadth away from the edge having just barely dived out of the way. Unphased the golem immediately began to rise completely unscathed from its attack. "U-um...well..." He racked his mind as he tried to recall any weaknesses of the golems. He knew he should have remembered this easily with having taken the test so many times but--"I got it! Under their neck. Just above the chest. Golems have a gem that gathers aether to fuel it. Its disguised by magic to look like just another piece of their armor but its there!" Gems like that were actually quite fragile so it would not take much to break one to take down the golem but they were difficult to reach and even harder to get close to. A golem's sheer brute force made sure nothing ever got close to its one weakness. "If you could take down of these things, that'd be great. This guy's not so happy." Kendric gazed up at the golem before him as it once more began its assault.

  15. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    Tal still held onto the box, trying to figure out some sort of method to get to the part under their necks. She wasn't quite sure if she could, but she analyzed everything around her just to see. Then she heard a little voice in her head.

    "Diffadon! I'm coming to help you with what you need."

    The little dragon flew in past the ring and over to Tal and he let out a "mighty roar" and Tal gave him a look and Ember spoke,
    "I can get the part under their necks, no problem at all! And I won't have to use brisingr, since I teethed." Tal looked around to make sure a golem wasn't after her at that point but she nodded at Ember and he flew up to the golem trying to not get noticed, and went to the little part under it's neck and it attacked the gem. Tal meanwhile made sure she didn't drop the box and started whispering encouragements towards Ember.
  16. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    From the corner of his eye a reddish blur crossed his sight and darted directly towards the other golem. From it came a sort of...yowl or squeak. It was a strange sound but he knew exactly what it was and how risky it must have been for Tal to call her friend. He wasn't even sure if it was against the rules. The golem swatted at the tiny creature several times to no avail until a crack echoed in the hall. Kendric froze, hoping it wasn't Tal's little dragon.

    The golem fell to its knees before crashing down on the ground where it stayed. Kendric let out a sigh of relief and smiled over at Tal forgetting for an instant of the golem whose cold gaze was locked on him. He was cornered, pushed to the very edge of the ring, and the golem had both its hands reaching out to smash him leaving him no room to get out of the way. Staying put meant getting injured, for the golem would not actually kill him, and attempting to dodge would only take him out of the ring. He had to pass. Kendric could not think to imagine the look on his father's face if he returned home a failure. His family had a long line of Knights in Eridis. Kendric braced himself as the golem's hands came his way, readying himself for the worst.

    The golem's hands made a dead stop.

    Golden light shone through the cracks in its silver fingers. Kendric was wrapped in a bright aura, standing firm at the ring's edge locked in a struggle against the massive metal beast. His eyes flashed and his arms began to shake as the sudden surge of power began to fade. No! I can't lose! Not when I'm so close...Come on...COME ON! The aura of aether began to flicker and shrink as Kendric slowly began to slide back from the strength of the golem. "No!"

    Desperation took hold with Kendric releasing one of the golem's hands to grip its other. The metallic mass lost its balance and began to topple over. Kendric let out a shout as he called on every bit of strength he had pulling the golem straight over his head and flipping the metal figure over onto its back outside of the ring. The aether vanished as quickly as it came leaving Kendric to fall to his knees and pant heavily. His vision darkened momentarily but he did not pass out. Not yet. He looked up to the downed golem and let out a laugh.

    "Bet you don't...see...that" His eyes shifted towards the Dean. "How'd we do?" He would have stood up but his legs refused to move.

    Dean Fey smiled at the two before shaking her head. "That was impressive. You both still had four minutes still on the clock before the Trial ended. But..." Kendric's heart skipped a beat. "Seeking help from the outside is forbidden." Dean Fey looked towards Ember then back at Kendric. "And look where you're sitting."

    Kendric lowered his head and wondered what she meant. Taking a moment to look around he groaned in frustration. Behind him was a break in the red light of the ring. The exact spot where he had carelessly stepped over in his stupid display of power.

    Tal was still in shock at watching Kendric's display of strength. She still held onto the box, and while she remained in the ring, she held up an arm and let Ember land on her as she spoke to him, her aura shining brightly as she did so, "Malzeymah, ach neo taune thornessa eom hjarta. Ono achí elda."

    Tal then looked back at the Dean as her aura went away and she held up the box, "If it counts for anything at all, the box is still in tact. However, I can understand the outside help rule..." she eyed Ember who's head clearly showed sadness towards that but she smiled and walked over towards Kendric, Ember crawled up her shoulder so she had a freehand and she offed him a hand to help him out, "You did great either way, Kendric."

    Kendric looked up at Tal and took her hand, thanking her quietly as he rose to his feet. "That's true, but that's part of her ability. If anything, her little friend over there counts as a part of her. Fine, fail me but not her. The rules clearly state that we can use our own powers and that is her power." Kendric looked back over at Tal. She had never called out to her dragon so it made it obvious to him what her ability was.

    The Dean raised her eyebrow in amusement to Kendric's defiant tone. "And you're fine with your friend passing and you not?"

    "Yeah...I guess I am."

    "Well, I suppose that's settled then. Ms. Gaeta, you pass. If that dragon is as much a part of you as your ability is then who am I to fail you for using what you were born with?" She eyed Kendric. "I am sorry you did not pass. Perhaps one day you might convince the Knights to allow you to take one of their qualifying tests but I assure you that they are much much more difficult." Kendric nodded in response and showed a faint smile towards Tal.

    Tal stared in surprise at the interaction between the Dean and Kendric, and she wanted to say something to help him out. She didn't need to pass, it was no requirement for her. She had no future ambitions that involved law enforcement. But it was clear to her Kendric wanted to be one of the Knights and that certainly was something she could respect. But he had passed the line, and she wasn't sure if there was anything she could say that would defend him, or get him to pass. Tal smiled at Kendric and spoke, "Thank you." and she felt Ember leave her shoulder and fly over to Kendric and stay in front of him. He let out a little roar towards him and Tal let chuckled a bit.

    Tal held the box in the direction of the Dean, assuming that she'd want it back now that the Trial was over. She kept eyeing Ember making sure he wouldn't do anything stupid. Ember was trying to talk to Kendric but Tal knew he wouldn't be heard. Most of what he was saying was in dragon anyway, "Would you like this back?"

    Dean Fey thanked Tal for handing the box over and walked over towards the golem who had been downed by Ember. She placed her hand on the neck of the creature. In moments it was standing up once more and so was the other golem Kendric had tossed. "Damion and Poke. You two are up next." Dean Fey held out the box towards the two and motioned for them to enter the red ring.

    Kendric stared down at Ember and crouched in front of the dragon watching as he continued making noises at him. He patted the little thing's head and smiled at it content in knowing he did the right thing. He would just have to face his father and tell him what happened...and hope for the best.

  17. jackdaniel0 Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 9, 2011
    Deep within my brain
    It didn't take as long as it normally did for him to recover from slight exhaustion. When he finally got the strength to stand back up, he listened closely as Dean Fey gave out instructions for the exam. Hearing the part about being in pairs, though, made him confused and slightly happy. Oh, cool! I get to work with someone! At first, the thought of working together with a team mate put a smile on his face. Then, he realized that he had practically no knowledge of anyone in the room, not even their abilities. Huffing in slight irritation, he watched the first pair walk up to begin their test, hoping that he'd be able to observe them carefully enough that he could pick up a few tricks to help him and his partner during battle. Thankfully, he heard and saw just enough to know what he had to do if they had to shut down the golems.

    He was amazed at Tal's dragon's sudden intervention, one which he'd nearly missed, and at Kendric's selflessness, a quality that he greatly admired. To him, they certainly looked qualified enough to him to be an actual team. When he and Damion's names were called, Poke couldn't help but feel a slight twinge of anxiousness.
    Walking up to Dean Fey, he nervously grabbed the box with both hands, testing its weight for a brief moment. It felt a lot lighter than he thought, more so than the 'baby' that they were suppose to imagine, but he didn't let that bother him. Stepping in to the red ring, he took a few, deep breaths to calm himself.

    "Well...Atleast I can teleport to catch it if one of us DOES drop it," Poke muttered, smiling dryly. "Damion, right?" He called, looking towards his partner, "I can enhance my muscles and teleport. What about you?"
  18. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    When Damion had heard that they would be working in pair to defeat the golems, he started to get worried. His worries had nothing to do with who his partner would be, but how well they would work together. He already wasn't the most sociable person so that might cause problems, despite how versatile his power actually was. Damion sighed. Since there was no way out of this, he would just have to deal with it.

    When Kendrick and Tal went first to take the trail, he made sure to pay close attention to anything that would be useful to him later on during his attempt. He paid attention to how they attacked and using the information that was said his brain started to think of options and weapon choices that would be good to use. Though his thoughts were put to a halt as his name was called, which promoted his to walk into the red ring along side his partner.

    So that's what you can do, good. Since that was the case, their powers might actually work well together if they themselves worked together. "Um, I can change my gun into any other one." To give a visual aid, he took out his own weapon and briefly closed his eyes. Moments later the small hand gun had turned into a P90. "Though I have to have actually touched the weapon I want to form as well as keep a clear image of in in my head." It wasn't like he could form a tank from thin air or anything like that.
  19. jackdaniel0 Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 9, 2011
    Deep within my brain
    Poke immediately understood what his power was. When he watched it in action, though, he just grinned in amazement. Even with all of the strange powers he'd seen, this one still managed to impress him. "Cool!" Giving a thumbs up, he made sure to keep the explanation of his powers in mind if he ever needed a specific weapon.

    Turning back towards the golems, he waited for the test to begin. Each second passed by rather slowly for him, his nerves yelling, Get on with it! What was taking so long? His patience was rewarded when the golems finally started to move towards the pair, each taking one for themselves. Poke glanced at him, his partner, the golems, and the ring, making sure to keep each's location as accurate as possible to avoid any accidental collisions or mess-ups.

    "Okay, let's do this!" He cheered, smiling as his golem raised its fist. He didn't even need to use his powers. All he had to do was sidestep the blow. The arm made contact with nothing but cold, hard ground, Poke already running behind the golem. He was near the middle of the ring, the giant automaton lumbering towards him. As it did, he tried his best to find the exact stone that had to be shattered to break the spell. Various methods went through his head as it was getting closer. Punch it? No, I'm holding the cube, and I'm not risking a power failure, not right now. Kick it? Sure, bui I might not get a clear shot, and holding the cube'll throw me off balance. Throw it to my partner? Uhh--

    He looked over to see how his partner was doing. Seeing the shadow of another attack coming, he barely managed to dodge it this time. However, he didn't see the golem sliding its arm towards him. On pure instinct, he jumped back, lessening the effect of the blow as it still made contact. Poke was sent skidding across the ground, his hands tightened on the cube as he held it above him, remembering the words, do not let it touch the ground.
    Slamming his remaining arm on to the ground to slow himself, he finally stopped sliding, clambering on to his feet. He didn't gain much serious or impeding injuries, thanks to his quick reaction.

    "Uhh--How're you doing?" he yelled to his partner, his eyes and ears trained on the golem in front of him.
  20. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    When the Golems had made their approach towards them, Damion went ahead and changed the P90 in his hands to a regular pistol. Mobility would be very useful in this fight. The golem too a few more steps towards him before raising its fist in the air, which was his que to start moving. While the fist was still in the air, Damion fired off a few bullets at it. The purpose was to see just how strong they were to his bullets. Depending on the answer would decided what gun he would use.

    His bullets had done a fair amount of damage to their skin, but not enough to truly satisfy him. The golems fist had slammed down on the ground, missing him. It was at this point that Damion took advantage of this and hopped on the arm and used it as a way to get closer towards the golems head. Along the way he changed his pistol into Desert Eagle. Unlike his regular gun, the bullets in this one had a bit more power too them. So they would be perfect for an up close and personal shot. Though the ammo in them was limited so he couldn't afford to waste any shots.

    Stopping on the giants shoulder, he aimed the gun right for its head when out of the corner of his eye, he saw Poke fall to the ground. Fortunately the cube didn't hit the ground and Poke seemed to be fine. The downside was in the moment he was distracted, he'd lost his window of opportunity and was shaken off the golem's body, landing right on his back. "Ow, that hurt." There was no major damage done from the fall so he was indeed lucky. "I've been better, got any ideas on how to approach this?"
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