Mystery Science Theater 300 LIVES...Kinda

Discussion in 'Movies & Media' started by The Enigmatic Superior, Oct 5, 2006.

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  1. The Enigmatic Superior Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 30, 2006
    Now, I will assume that those of you who have clicked on this Topic have some knowledge of 'Mystery Science Theater 3000' or 'MST3K.'

    But do you know about 'RiffTrax.'

    Basically, it's a site that provides downloadable Audio Commentaries for movies.

    The Catch - You have to pay for them.

    The Reward - The commentaries are made by Michael J Nelson of 'MST3K' fame and feature guest appearances by Kevin Murphy (Voice of 'Tom Servo' of 'MST3K') and Bill Corbett (Voice of 'Crow' of 'MST3K').

    And for those of you who won't spend cash, they do provide Free Samples on the website which have also been uploaded on Youtube...

    So here they are:



    Triple X

    The Fifth Element

    Star Trek V: The Final Frontier

    Road House 1

    Road House 2

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