Birth by Sleep Mysterious Figure help.

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts Help' started by Gelatinous Ghost, Nov 23, 2010.

  1. Gelatinous Ghost Twilight Town Denizen

    Jan 8, 2010
    New York
    I am trying to defeat the Mysterious figure as Terra. I am using a combination of Ultima Cannon, Thunder Surge, and Curaga whenever I have a chance. I have been fighting him all day, and have even depleted his HP all the way down to half of the final bar before he knocks me out. Is there any better strategy? Because it seems to me to be almost entirely luck based. There are several combinations of his attacks that will kill you outright, no matter what your HP, such as his collision magnet attack in succession, that dumb doom counter when they only give you 3 seconds to mash the button a million times, or any time he is attacking with duplicates, summoning lasers, and using megaflare all at once so my game lags. It would be nice to win and feel I did it out of skill as opposed to chance, but at this point I will take a lucky victory. Any tips? Also, I found that beating Vanitas's Lingering Spirit was hardest with Terra. But after I won, it seemed easy with Ven/Aqua by comparison. Is it going to be any easier with them against the Mysterious Figure than it is with Terra? Thanks.

    Edit: See my newest post for updates on what I need help with.​
  2. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Using Terra it truly is a mix of luck and skill. Mostly luck(I think). The Unknown becomes less agressive when you have fewer abilities equipped(I mean actual abilities like those that boost your HP). Don't have any abilities that increase your HP because if you get hit you'll end up at 1 HP anyways. There's only one or two moves in the Unknown's entire movelist that won't reduce your HP to that level but you'd have to be lucky for it to work like that. Anyways, I haven't seen shotlocks used to beat him so just use Thunder Surge whenever you see an opening. It really is all about patience. Watch videos on Youtube, maybe that'll help. ...I have yet to beat him with Terra.
  3. Gelatinous Ghost Twilight Town Denizen

    Jan 8, 2010
    New York
    Using shotlocks seems to serve several purposes, however. It damages him fairly effectively, gives you a sometimes crucial few seconds of invulnerability, and is very useful in getting rid of his clones before they get a chance to gang up on you. The only real downside is that he moves so fast that I rarely get a chance to fully charge Ultima cannon. Is there really any way using it can hurt me? And I haven't seen anywhere but here that having less abilities equipped decreases his aggression. How did you learn this? And due to the fact that dodge roll(Ven) and cartwheel(Aqua) grant invulnerability while using them(Unlike Terra's sliding dodge), will that simplify the fight with them? Thanks again. ​
  4. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    From what I've read around, Shotlocks are something you want to give a miss due to renewal barrier.

    Also, general consensus seems to be that Aqua and Ven are significantly easier.
  5. Gelatinous Ghost Twilight Town Denizen

    Jan 8, 2010
    New York
    Yeah, I have noticed him heal up to a whole bar from a shotlock. Through a divine act of ******baggery, he can also use renewal block while he attacks. >: I suppose I will try to fight without it. And I am glad to know that Ven and Aqua will be easier to complete. I was pleasantly surprised at how the battle with VS went from sucking the fun out of the game(Terra) to reasonably challenging(Ven and Aqua). It gives me some comfort to know that while the battle will never be easy, it won't be as brutal with the following two. I guess I just want to get the hardest out of the way first. ​
  6. Ximnex Moogle Assistant

    Nov 24, 2010
    when he attacks block and use the ground slam attack/ counter attack. then he will get forced awy from u. Right when that happens get him with a thunder surg. =)
  7. Kaidron Blaze Kingdom Keeper

    Jun 22, 2009
    The Gale Valleys, before the darkness attacks...
    I made a thread on this alittle while ago here is what I found out to work best:
    When he summons copies of himself use thunder serge to kill them quickly otherwise your pritty much dead. Also you might want to stop using your shotlock I found it to be more trouble than it's worth.
    When he charges his attacks you know whne he stops in one place before he does a strong attck use thunder srge attcak on him, if your lucky it will cancel out the attack but eather way it take a lot of damage off him.
    And as for the death move with that just try your hardest to hammer the button no trick with that bit sorry.
    Hope this helps you as much as it did me.
  8. Gelatinous Ghost Twilight Town Denizen

    Jan 8, 2010
    New York
    Update! I have beaten the Mysterious Figure with Terra! I am so excited! 8D Thanks for all who contributed advice. I used it all. But I am far from done. I am trying to beat him using Ven now, and I find the battle easier in some ways than with Terra, but harder in a couple, despite not winning yet. I find the temporary invulnerability from dodge roll to be useful, but it also doesn't carry me as far from the MF as Terra's sliding dash and the MF follows up with attacks a bit faster. Also, unless it was one of the MF's lengthy sword combos, it would usually take 2-3 hits to bring Terra to 1 HP. It only takes Ven1-2, meaning I spend even more time healing and less time fighting, if that is possible. Are there any differences in strategy that can be adopted with Ven that will aid me in this fight? Thanks again guys!​
  9. Jin うごかないで

    Jul 19, 2010
    i have made a thread to lvl up to lvl 99 , and a thread with a stratedgy for mysterious figure: have abilities: Thunder boost , once more and second chance have a deck of thunder surges and curaga's since you have thunder boosts the thunder surges should take alot of his health half a bar to ful dont physical attack him like swinging keyblade at him dodge attacks and cure when required and if he blocks during you using shotlocks he regains health

    x5 Thunder surges
    x3 curaga's
    good luck
    and btw this strategy works good for all 3 characters especially Ven
    Level to lvl 99 thread:
    Mysterious Figure strategy thread:
  10. Gelatinous Ghost Twilight Town Denizen

    Jan 8, 2010
    New York
    Well, as of last night, I have defeated the Mysterious figure with all 3 characters. Each of them was level 50. Thanks for all the help, guys. It was all put to practical use. Just a few items to get to put the item collection at 100%, and that will be all. Thanks again. =] ​