My Wish

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Scarred Nobody, Apr 18, 2009.

  1. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    I noticed for that I haven't posted any new fiction for a long time now. I've been swamped with life, homework, and working on my first REAL novel. Anyway, I got an idea for a new story.

    Genre: Romance/Comedy
    Rated PG-13


    Please send me some feedback on the story. Also if you want updates on it, PM me!!!
    My Wish by tummer

    “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling."​
    (1 Peter 4:8-9)​

    Chapter one: Emotion

    The darkness of my surroundings proved to me what i've been feeling in my lonely heart for so long. All my emotions let out in a burst of fire that contained hatred, anger, sadness, and depression. I wasn't able to physically feel the pain that was on my skin but it was able to break right through my heart.

    Her name is Rebecca but i would always call her Bec. She had agreed to be my girlfriend but then dumped me only a week later. The reason wasn't clear to me until I saw her in my english class. A boy who sits behind me was walking with my dream girl inside the classroom.

    "I have to go or i'll be late," She said to the boy.

    "Alright baby," He told her before kissing her.

    She ran out of the room not even noticing that I even existed. During the class time I either wanted to punch him in the mouth or start crying at why she left me. I didn't think of her as one of those girls who were into how a boy looks, but I also beleive that I had strong feelings for her.

    For our big semester assignment, we had to pick out a book to read and write a short essay. It was almost spring intersession; just like the fall intersession where we got two weeks off. The schools here in El Paso ran on strange schedles; having four classes on one day and four different ones on another day.

    My melancholy was so bad no one wanted to sit next to me during my next class. Math was something that I excel at so well I was able to take Algerbra in middle school, Gemometry as a freshman, and Algerbra II as a sophmore. When my teacher called me to solve the problem, I only talked loud enough for the first few rows to hear me.

    "It'll be okay David," My best friend since middle school Kelly said. She was a talk skinny red head and very attractive, the only thing that didn't make her popular (like she rightfully deserved) was her obsessions with anime and the talk dark haired mess she was talking to. "Just forget about her, she doesn't care. She's one of those people who like being jerks to people and will end up sad and alone in the future.

    "I don't like see you so sad David, it hurts me about as much as it does you. Intersession is comming up, a whole two weeks of spring break; no school, no Rebecca, not nothing! We could hang out just like the old days."

    "Thanks for trying to cheer me up Kelly," I told her. I gave her a small fake smile to prove to her I was okay. "You're a good friend to me, you know? I'm holding you back from being this big shot-"

    "Don't ever say that!" She interupted me while I was in mid-sentence. "You saved me from being just like her, flirting her way through one boy after another. She use to be our friend but when she betrayed you she betrayed me too. Having you for a friend was the best thing that could happen to me!"

    My next two classes actually had a different feel from my two morning classes. I tried to not focus on indiviual faces in the hallway and see it more as a group. While looking for my history book, I noticed the CD Kelly let me borrow.

    When I got home I looked for my CD player, finding it on top of my dresser. I live with my god-parents due to the fact that my biological parents were killed when I was thirteen-years-old. The only thing I have left of them is a picture of us at The Animal Kingdom a year before the murder.

    I opened up the laptop i got for Christmas the past year and started to search for interesting books to read. I looked for the Rascal Flatts: Unsoppalbe CD and was about to stick it into the CD player until a blue paper fell out. I unfolded it, smelling Kelly's familar fruity perfume and her hand-writting.

    I know you must be pretty bummed about the whole break-up thing with Bec Rebecca a few days ago. I can only imagine what is going through your head right now and I hope you never go through something like this again.

    Keep the CD as long as you would like David. I must tell you though that I heard that Rascal Flatts are comming to town next week for a concert. Just to let you know, my mom got me two tickets as a surprise. I want you to come along with me, as a friend if you think that's best; unless... you know. YOu can drive too if you want. Call me with your answer,

    I dug through my pockets that was filled with gum wrappers and spare change to find my cell phone. I was going to accept her invitation to a concert, as a friend.

    Chapter two: Confession
    "So you're going to come," my friend said over the phone.

    "Yep, looks like it. I got the okay from my god-father."

    "Awesome! So, do you have any plans for this comming weekend," She asked in a shy voice. I honestly had nothing to the upcomming Saturday and Sunday but i felt as if she was trying to ask me out.

    "I have tons of homework this weekend," I told her.

    "We have the same classes idiot," She told me. "What's really bugging you? I'm not trying to ask you out or anything, I just want to know if you want to hang out. We hung out almost every weekend before you went out with her and now you think it's odd I ask you this?!?"

    "Okay, i'm sorry Kelly." The last thing anyone wanted to do is get Kelly angery; she would either fight you to the death or hold a grudge against you for the rest of your life. "So, what do you want to do this weekend?"

    "Well, maybe we could hang out at the mall, or go see that new horror movie." It was the same suggestions that she usually gives. Most of the time we decide to go see the movie she wants to see the most. Two weekends ago we went to see another horror movie that wasn't worth our money.

    We chatted while I was working on my math homework. It was hard to focus on two completely different things at once. When Kelly started rambling on about the lastest <i>Twilight</i> book she read, I tuned her out and worked on the hyperbolas. I had two questions done when I heard yelling on the phone.

    "Hey David! Answer me dammit! I'm going to kill you if you weren't listneing to me," Kelly yelled.

    "Sorry Kel but I really have to focus on this math homework. Have you even taken a look at it?"

    "No I haven't," She told me. I could hear things moving in the background as she was searching from page-to-page. I could tell she was at the right page because she let out a big gasp. "Oh my God, i'm sorry for yelling. I'll let you go so the both of us can finish."

    * * *​

    It was finally the last day of the nine weeks. Me and Kelly both had theater this period which was fun. I enjoyed how she would both be there for me when I saw Rebecca and keep her distance when I wish to be alone. Our final project was to perform a skit of our choosing. Kelly and I worked together to do "Tango Moureen" from the musical Rent. It was surprising to see how many groups were unprepared for it.

    "Wow, that was so much fun huh," Kelly asked me once class was finished.

    "Yeah, it was really exciting but i'm glad it's over."

    We were walking to my car. Kelly's car didn't start this morning so I decided to take her home. I did however move quicker to pick her up this morning that I usually would on any normal day. I also felt wierd when she got really close to me all day, even during the tango. My stomache felt weightless with her around me, and I liked it.

    "I can't wait for tomorrow," She told me in the car. "It's going to be so much fun isn't it?"'

    "Y-yeah." What the hell was wrong with me right now? I do enjoy hanging out with her on a normal basis, but something was wrong with me now. I thhink that i'm starting to like her, to really really like her.
    "See you tomorrow David," She told me. I held her arm as she was about to exit the car.

    "No," I told her in a small voice.

    "What is it David?"

    It was hard for me to find the words to tell her. "I can't go with you as a friend; but I can go with you as a date."

    "A date!" She was shocked by the words. "You want to go out on a date... with me?"

    "Yes Kelly," I told her. "Look, I can't explain it but I really would like to go out with you. You're smart, pretty, and funny; and we've been best friends for the longest time. I just guessed that-"

    She didn't let me finish my speech. The next thing I could feel was her lips press against mine and her arms around me. Both of our eyes were closed as I started to wrap my arms around hers. It was the most peaceful moment I ever experienced in my life so far.


    "You guessed it kid," She told me in a small voice. Although the kissing had stopped, she decided to lay on my chest. "I've had this crush on you for awhile now David. Now you have me."

    "Now we have eachother," I told her. She wasn't some object to me, something that can be claimed. She was someone who I cared for. She had been my friend for a long time and now she would be part of something greater.

    "You know... that was kind of cheesy," She told me. She left the car, but not without give me one last kiss. "I"ll talk to you later, my parents are going to wonder what's taking me so long."

    "Okay Kelly."

    My heart was racing faster than my car was. I wanted to get home and log onto my computer. I knew she was waiting at her computer, waiting to chat with me. Now when I think about her, it's like a whole new feeling; almost like a veil was lifted from my eyes and standing in front of me that her all along.

    Chapter three: COMMING SOON!!

    Again, it would be nice to have some feedback.
  2. Juicy Chaser

    May 29, 2008
    The storyline seems okay, but it didnt flow very well because of quite obvious spelling and grammar mistakes. Ill break down an example ~

    Her name is Rebecca but i would always call her Bec. she had agreed to be my girlfriend but then dump me only a week later. The reason wasn't clear to me until I saw her in my english class. A boy who sits seats behind me was walking with my dream girl inside the classroom.

    Her name is Rebecca but I would always call her Bec. She had agreed to be my girlfriend but then dumped me only a week later. The reason wasn't clear to me until I saw her in my english class. A boy who sits seats( << that doesnt seem to make sense) behind me was walking with my dream girl inside the classroom.

    Yeah, just be careful with capital letters and your tenses, dont mix present and past tense etc.

    Nice job though :3
  3. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    I know, it's just that microsoft word doesn't work for me anymore on my computer. I used the spell check on here but it seemed to have failed me.
  4. Juicy Chaser

    May 29, 2008
    Hey, my dad is cheap and wont get me word so I do everything on notepad. You shouldnt rely on spell checkers just use them as backup ~
  5. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    Okay, i'll remeber that in the future.
  6. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    chapter two is up.