Sam, my older brother whose in the army, came home on leave last week and he got me a early birthday present. A adorable plushie of Vincent Valentine, he said it combined my love of Vincent Valentine and my love of cuteness. I love him, here are some pics: Guarding my PSP and helping me beat Vanitas as Aqua In the recliner Being huggled by me Socializing with one of the cats Watching me import the pics I'm not sure if you would be able to tell by clicking on the pictures, but he's smiling and blushing.
yeah, I can tell. It has ruined the all famous mood of Vincent. T.T. I feel like running and screaming at the same time. One of my favorite characters from Final Fantasy has been ruined by a smile and blush.......WAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!! :cryinganime::cryinganime::cryinganime:
Vincent isn't emotionless, we all thought Cloud couldn't smile cause of his SOLIDER persona, hell even Sephiroth can smile even if it's twisted, Kefka doesn't coutn cause he's insane.
THank your brother for serving and sacrificing for his country. You should have went with a chibi sora doll he could totally beat that chibi vincent.