Because the Lady Gaga thread is too full of ****, I get to make my own thread on this. Also, I'm special. I decided to sit through The Fame today and form my own opinion on her because I was bored. That's it, really. I have a feeling I'd be able to take her more seriously if she didn't sing about sex and money. We get enough of that garbage already. Still I have to admit, the woman knows how to put together some very catchy songs, and– while not completely there yet– definitely shows promise. Hell, she's come out with a piano version of "Poker Face." That's talent. Most of the criticism she gets, which most of the time isn't even about her music, really isn't warranted. Of all the sixteen tracks I've got here, only two off the top of my head annoyed me. Among my favorites are "Brown Eyes" and "Disco Heaven." In summary, she's not as bad as some people say. A bit on the mediocre side, but I'd feel just fine listening to the album, just not outside of a party or a car in which I'm alone. That said, Lady Gaga is a fine addition to my list of guilty pleasures. Lady Gaga fans would also probably like Uffie, who I prefer a little more I think but not by much.
Brown Eyes, Summerboy and Money Honey are my faovirtes. But wait what, is she wearing a fucking bubble 'dress'?
I personally think some of her better songs are the one's she hasn't even released. You can find them on Youtube though. They are from her later college days as well as when she was doing the clubs before she hit the big time.
The Fame. I like this album a lot more than I thought I would. Very catchy songs. Songs you may not agree with in the least, but they're just so damn catchy. D: Starstruck, Eh Eh, LoveGame, Money Honey, Summerboy... And of course Just Dance 'n Poker Face. ><
I've only heard Just Dance and Poker Face, but I think she's interesting. Sure, her songs are about things I've heard a million times already, but I think she has a nice sound. She's a good musician, that's for sure.
I like some of her songs, but some were not on The Fame, like Dirty Ice Cream, Vanity (which was on the UK verison of the fame I think)
Lady Gaga at first to me seemed well.. unoriginal. However, listening to the lyrics of her songs, even if most are about sex and money xD, has been amusing. She has a great way of wording things to make the songs interesting and some of the songs are pretty humorous in parts. Most of the bad talk on her is for her nature and attire she wears, but I think she sounds great, has a way with words that's inventive and her music is catchy. Hopefully she'll be around and not just fade away. Too many pop stars just have the same old thing. She's kind of fresh.
^Exactly. The real test will be in a few years when we get to see if any other stuff she comes up with is original. If she still does the exact same thing years from now, she loses some points as a musician in my book.