Normally, this would thrill me, except all the little b******s are coming from one place: My god damn backyard --__-- I have yet to find the mother or where she has been birthing these little fuzzy hellspawn, but I hear mewing every night and there's a stampede of them running every which way across the streets everytime, I step near a car they've been sheltering themselves under. Seriously, I don't know how many times this cat has been passed around, but there are way too many kittens out here to be from a single birth. It's the fuzziest invasion ever.
Catch em all, microwave em, put them on the blender machine. Next, put their tiny dead bodies inside a trash bag, dump it in a river. Everything went better than expected.
Update: It seems the mother is owned by some Portugese lady down the street. If I find these kittens, I'm dumping them on her doorstep ans running ze fcuk avay. And Rat, that's pretty f***ed up, dude. In a harcore kind of way O.o
Or would it be more accurate to say that it has gone... Catmuck? Geddit? Because the cats leaves a lot of stuff and stuff behind