Photography My stepsister and her friends

Discussion in 'Arts & Graphics' started by Kannira the wolf, Sep 15, 2009.

  1. Kannira the wolf Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 4, 2008
    Gilneas City, Gilneas.
    Yes, I am FORCED to take pictures. f this is not allowed, please lock.

    Anyway, pictures.
    Cheyenne and Sadie-
    Taylor and Adelisa-
    Lizzie, Cheyenne, and Logan-

    I have to say, I am getting quite well at photography. I guess the lessons my dad taught me payed off.

    Edit: Critique is very much appreciated.
  2. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    To be completely honest love, I don't think the majority of them can really be classed as anything artistic. It is very easy to point a camera in a friend's face and click and whilst there is nothing wrong with that (as it is a really effective way of capturing memories and events) I would have put most of those in a thread similar to Post Your Pic.

    This one
    I really like, it is something more than just a point-click-lets-make-this-time-a-memory-photo, it is expressive and emotive to the point I want to know what the subject is thinking. In this case the lighting worked really well too, it makes it somehow softer. It actually looks almost like a painting.

    So yeah, I can't really give crit on the others, because I don't think you can crit snaps like that.

    Sorry if that isn't what you wanted to hear D: