I have been having many dreams recently, basically being the past 2 weeks. I can remember all of them vividly. I'll only name a few, such as: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. I could turn invisible and at a football game I was going around scaring people. But I could only go invisible when my eyes were shut. And then I got into a taxi cab with a black guy with a huge afro. We told him that I had this power then he told me that he didn't believe me. So I did it, and he was like "Am I dreaming?" And I was literally able to think hard in my dream, like I thought was I dreaming to myself? And it was really weird because this dream went on for a pretty long time. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. I got kidnapped by my brother, and I thought to myself again "Am I dreaming." but I dismissed the thought. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My point of this thread is why are all my dreams so vivid and i can compeletly remember them, and had full thought process in all my dreams. But it's so weird because each night I tell myself that I won't have such a vivid dream, but each night I do. Now I know that this might sounds fun, ya know being able to think in your dreams but its really not. All my dreams are annoying, and then waking up to find out that you were dreaming when you told yourself that you weren't, really makes you think you can't trust yourself. It's almost like you have a totally different personality, ya know like Skitzophrenzia (i know its spelled wrong.) Does anyone have thoughts on the matter? like why its happening? and how i can stop it? its destroying me.
First of all, calm down. Dreams have no meaning - they are just random impulses in our brains, trying to deal with issues and thoughts of the previous day/week/year/lifetime. Every so often, about once a week, close to waking, I get dreams that I am semi-conscious for - like, I can control it and guide it, but I know I'm awake. The minute I open my eyes, the dream ends. Also, the minute I close my eyes in the dream, I can't open them again, and I see blackness and think until I open my eyes IRL. Everyone gets these dreams. There is no stopping it, and I personally wouldn't want to stop it. In these dreams, I can literally make myself do anything. It's fun. If you can think in your dreams, try making yourself do something. Like, try to just... walk somewhere the dream wouldn't ordinarily take you. Then, once you can control it (once you get the knack of it, it's actually pretty easy, in my experience), just... roll with it. Do something you've always wanted to do IRL, but never got the guts to do. Just never think of the impossibility of it all.
Your consciousness inside your dreams - your lucidity, has this involved any effort on your part? I'm just a bit interested, because lately I've been meaning to get into lucid dreaming, and so far, no luck really. I dreamed that I was going to have a lucid dream, but that wasn't exactly what I was going for. But it's interesting that people can realize that they're dreaming spontaneously. I always figured that once you're in a dream state, you believe that everything is reality, if you saw octopuses in wheelchairs wearing top hats with crowbars, you'd believe that to be completely normal, and thus would not be aware that everything around you is a figment of your imagination.
Well, it only really happens for me when I am semi-conscious - in that state between awake and asleep, when I still dream, but I know that I can open my eyes at any time and end it. It happens when I'm falling asleep, too, but I rarely remember much about it.