Spoiler lolwtfbbq is this........I don't even. A failsketch of someone's character. 'nother failsketch. From a game. o.o Sorry if I burned your eyes. >.>
I like your art. I especially like this one; I also like the start on the incomplete Axel one. What do you use? Graphic Tablet? Photoshop etc? I'm interested. Don't be so harsh on yourself. Believe and be proud of your Art.
A little banner I helped design (I did not make all of it, I mainly just sketched and helped to lineart the character) for Zexion's game. I guess I am the character sketcher and stuff. Mar Mar does most of the colouring (Im helping him do more of cel shade than his usual colouring though). I sarted taking college courses for 3D design and animation online so I can get into animated environment art for my future games, so I had to put my project on hold and just sketch for Zexion when needed~
These are really amazing. You should be proud of them! I'd really like to see the finished Axel one when you get around to it. I love the colouring as well, very beautiful and detailed. The Axel one just reminded me off Flynn Ryder from Tangled with his 'smoulder' haha :)