I’m stupid. I’m lazy. I’m a bitch. I’m wasting my talents. My parents tell me that. They really do. They tell me all those things and more. I want to end it all sometimes. But I don’t. My friends stop me. The counselor stops me. My psychiatrist stops me. I’m on so much medication because of my problems. I may sound like I’m trying to get attention. But I’m not. I’m telling you how I feel. I’m proving to you that even someone who seems happy all the time. Has problems like a mental patient. Feels like the world hates them. Like no one is listening. Wants to just die. I want to die. I really do. But I don’t die. I take everyday like it’s my last. I’ve seen what happens after someone dies. It becomes popular news. I don’t want to be popular news because I died. I want to be popular news because people love me. But so far, I’ve barely found any of those people. I’m not popular but few still love me. Can you love me? Will you love me? Please say yes. I just need someone, anyone, who loves me. I need someone to see my problems. And will choose to stay no matter what happens. I hope you are that person.