Nah, not really. I'm at work. Fuck post-Christmas retail. Hard. All that's been happening is mounds and mounds of returns and getting yelled at for giving them money back because people apparently don't have that right when it has a factory seal on it...
Don't you love it when you just try to do your job and people come back to return something that another person paid hard-earned money for and they scream at you just because things aren't going their way? I know I don't, I just want to rip their heads off because they don't have any idea. If those monsters want to act like that, then the nice gloves are off.
Yeah, true, but that's because people tend to think in binaries. Either this person made my day easier or harder. Also, personal apology to you for the click bait
Why would we want a great dick? ...except if it's for the sack but I don't think we're talking about that.
Here I was going to make a post about how much customers suck and then I start seeing posts about dicks. There's only one conclusion to be made of this... *CENSORED FOR CONTENT.* Right guys?
Lord I'm totally on the right thread! My life right here in a nut shell. I deal with drunk customers (stumbling in from the bar next door) I deal with drunks coming from bar fights, (blood all over the floor and clothes! Lord) I deal with angry people who want discounts constantly (eight dollars?! This needs to be seven! It's an after Christmas sale!) I deal with crazy people who tell me their life stories (I was arrested and I didn't do anything! It was all the government! The FBI is after me!) I deal with men who think their strippers and start modeling clothes for me (Does this look nice on me? What about if I unbutton it or lift up the shirt? -Me... I'm just going to open the closet door now and yea. Goes into closet-) My. Life. At. Work. One word. LORD.