I would take pictures but I'm not taking it out of the tube again until I've got a frame 8'D which hopefully will be later today I got two of them, the other one arrived like a week ago? STOCK PHOTOS AHOY Spoiler
I WANT THAT PORTAL 2 POSTER SO BAD!!! They are both lovely, where did you get them? (Specifically the Portal one ;D)
I got the Portal print over at ThinkGeek, although I found out later that the Valve store got it back in stock at a cheaper price. Grim Fandango print is from eBay =].
Those are really nice! (even though I have not played either game lol) I am always jelly of people who have posters, unforts my mom won't let me hang any. This is sad because I work at a movie theater and claimed the TRON: Legacy, Beauty & the Beast, and Deathly Hallows posters. They're sitting in my closet. ._.
The Portal 2 one is pretty cool, but it's got nothing on the Grim Fandango one. Man, that brings back memories. Is it the official poster? It looks very official at the very least. Good choices
I know official posters that look just like it were made around the original release in '98, but the one I bought was definitely a reprint (they offered different sizes and all that and it would have been crazy expensive if it had been an original, so :c ). A group of fans put together an awesome poster project for classic LucasArts games and put up high-res downloads of the results to send to printers, so it may have been from there. & thanks =]
Funny you should say that because I just framed them! xD http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m50hqjj4Xe1qmbdyyo1_1280.jpg http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m50hqjj4Xe1qmbdyyo2_1280.jpg http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m50hqjj4Xe1qmbdyyo3_1280.jpg The frame for the Grim poster is a tad large so I'm going to get some black poster board to line the back with (A2 is a standard paper size so idk where they came up with the frame size wtf), but the Portal 2 one fits perfectly. Also in the photos the Grim one looks quite small but it's actually a pretty normal sized poster haha, the Portal 2 one is just really really big.
I got the Portal 2 poster as well though I couldn't find a frame to fit it. So I bought one that was a bit bigger with a mount and did a lymdi job on it. It turned out really nice. The Grim poster looks so cool. Bet it'll look awesome once its up on the wall. Post a picture when you add some black poster board to it and it's up.
Ahh I see, sounds cool! Interestingly enough these frames were just found at Target, haha. Suppose I got lucky that the Portal 2 one fit so well. & Thanks, I'll be sure to get a few shots of them once I've got 'em mounted =].
I always thought it was weird when people framed posters? v: I mean those are really nice so I can see that, but my step-brother used to have a framed poster of Legolas above his bed. It was... weird. yes yes thank you!! I went in for scheduling/declaring my major and pretty much realized I was hesitating due to pressure from my family/teachers/guidance counselors. Because I was alone with my college adviser though I was just all "**** THIS I'MMA TEACH HIGH SCHOOL ENGLISH AND I DON'T CARE WHAT ANYONE THINKS." c: (sorry lexi I will stop derailing your thread now)
The thing about the Portal 2 poster is it's a lithograph, so its more expensive than a normal poster. It'd be a waste to just pin it to your wall.