Note: Anniexo convinced me to post this here, even though I didn''t think I should, so if this goes all wrong, she's the one to blame! Anyway, if anyone even bothers looking at this, please tell me what you really think, tell me just how good or bad you think this is. --- You are there... I can touch you... My hand reaches that glass wall again, the divider between our worlds, but without it we would never be... it is the portal between you and me, it's the only thing that allows me to see you. Such a tease this device is, it tempts me with unrestricted images of your beauty, yet holds me just far enough from you to make me regret ever laying my eyes upon your flawless frame. Yet I, myself, am flawed... I dare corrupt your perfection with my dirty eyes, lusting and breathing down your spine, all the while you are unaware. So innocent, you never even knew I was there, never knew the presence lurking behind you... too shy, too scared, too dirty and imperfect to find the strength to bring you down with me though I desire you so deeply. I am unworthy... I am unclean... I have no right to love you, I do not deserve you.
It's sad , yet beatiful :3 I liked it .it's so special and sweet , you should be glad you posted it ;3