Yea, just finished it this morning and I'm pretty proud of it. So, I hope you enjoy, and please leave comments. x3
Nice! Really something. (I only wish people would recognise my AMV's. READ THE SIG PEOPLE!) But, I really like your talent.
Not bad, timing was good, though it was a bit sloppy and hard to follow at times. but you missed some beats and a bit off timed at times. The music didn't go all that well with FMA, it didn't really fit, and not all your scene selection fitted the music. It all seeemed a bit random at times, and also the text from the credits and opening's was annoying. But overall you have pretty good sense of timing, but you lack in the other areas, you many need to think of a song that would fit FMA better. And try not to make your scene selection so random 6.4/10 - Decent AMV
Well, if you saw the finished product on your own music player, and not Youtube, all of the beats are dead on. Youtube screwed up the quality, timing, and basically the whole video. And not to be mean, but I didnt really ask for critique.
So what were you asking for? o_0 isn't that the point so people can tell you what they thought of it (like i did) and all i said was a few thing to help improve is that so bad? But yeah youtube does do that, but you do have a good sense for timing as i could see, which is great, timing is very vital (There i go again cristising XD)
I apoligize, I just havent been making AMV's for a while, and the thing is, I'm belittled by some of the WORST AMV makers and it kinda gets to me. But thanks, thats what I was pretty much working on, the timing I mean.
It's nice to know that someone is using the Rising Sun song for something else then Kingdom Hearts. You stated you really didn't want critism so I won't say anything. 3/5. I'd say it was decent experimental AMV.
Something like that happened to me once, i was soloy working timing and that was really it, but that caused my video to be random, no plot and the song choice wasn't all that great. But i can say you are not the worst or near the worst