My little pony: Fim : My little pony: Rp

Discussion in 'Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)' started by shidonic, Dec 19, 2011.

  1. shidonic Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 30, 2010
    For Simple Rp use, basically random discussion with your Rp Characters!
  2. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    Name: Fire Dash
    Age: 21
    Gender: Male
    Race: Pegasus
    Appearance: Red all over with a fire-red mane and tail. Eye color is emerald green
    Personality: Likeable and upbeat pegasus that resembles Rainbow Dash's personality in almost every way.
  3. shidonic Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 30, 2010
    Shidonic - *i swoop down from nowhere* Good, no disharmony is being caused, i guess i can relax for a while! *i look around* Hm, where should i go first...ah, i know, ill go check up on the princesses of this fine kingdom! *I start heading in the direction of Canterlot Castle thinking to myself* Hm, whats everypony looking it that because no one has seen me in a while? *I see Twilight run up*
    Twilight Sparkle - Hello Shidonic, how have you been, me and the gal's haven't seen you in a while!
    Shidonic - Yes i know, since there is no disharmony being caused, i figure i would go see the princesses in Canterlot Castle!
    Twilight Sparkle - Mind if i tag along, i haven't seen Princess Celestia or Princess Luna in forever!
    Shidonic - Not at all twilight, if you want we can even stop by your friend's houses if you like.
    Twilight Sparkle - Nonsense, me and the gal's will catch up to you, just continue on your way!
    Shidonic - Very well Twilight *i say as i watch Twilight nod her head then gallop away to get her friend's*
  4. Cloudrunner62 Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2011
    I live in Austin, TX
    CR: *Flies down to chat* Hey Shidonic, I couldn't help hearing you were headed to meet with the princesses. Do you mind if I join you?
  5. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    Meanwile, in Cloudsdale...

    A colorless (like how the ponies were in the Season 2 premiere) Fire Dash looks at Canterlot in the distance.

    Fire Dash: So all I have to do is bring the unicorn Twilight Sparkle to you.

    Discord: Exactly. Do that for me and...

    Fire Dash: You help me find Rainbow Dash.

    Discord: Why of course! So, do we have a deal?

    Fire Dash: Deal. *Flies out to Canterlot*
  6. shidonic Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 30, 2010
    Twilight Sparkle - *running up* SHIDONIC! *Breathing hard from running* Discord got Fire Dash!

    Shidonic - I thought i told him to stay away from equestria...very well then *lighting strikes down, hitting my body, the flash from the hit fades, everypony see's me wearing golden armour with blue steel hard ice trimings* NO LONGER SHALL DISHARMONY BE SPREAD ACROSS EQUESTRIA! *I look over at twilight* Quickly Twilight, go find somewhere to hide, Discord is controlling Fire dash!

    Twilight Sparkle - *Gasp* Ok, ill go hide!

    Shidonic - Cloud Runner, Here *lightning strikes down hitting Cloud Runner* sorry you have to help on such short notice Cloud Runner hope you know how to fight, if you didn't know how to fight, you do now, my lighting imbued you with all my skills, this effect however will last only 24 hours, but please Protect Twilight at all costs, Twilight, take him to where all the others are!

    Twilight Sparkle - Will do, Cloud Runner come with me!

    Shidonic - DISCORD, IM GONNA CUT THAT HEAD OFF YOUR SHOULDERS! *i begin flying extremely fast toward discords location*
  7. Cloudrunner62 Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2011
    I live in Austin, TX
    CR: Heh! She'll be safe with me! I'm not defenseless even without this sweet armor. I am Princess Luna's Chosen One. *With that, Cloud Runner closes his eyes and his wings change into bat-like wings with a blue edge and red lining. The tips however ended in white-armored feathers and his armor changed to a shade of black.* Ok! Lets go Twilight!
    TS: Right! *The two headed off towards their intended Location.*
  8. shidonic Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 30, 2010
    Shidonic - *Thinking to self* I guess firstly i should go make sure Fire Dash is alright...*I suddenly stop* Fire Dash, Here! *My horn begins to glow as a beam of light hits Fire Dash, Returning him to his original colors* There, Now if you will excuse me, i must go seal Discord back into stone! *I spread my wings and begin to fly so fast there is a smokey lightning trail behind me, i begin to slow down when he's in a see able distance* Discord, your gonna get broken when your stone!

    Discord - We'll see about that, now won't we, hm, yes, i remember you...You, gave the princesses this land, You are the origanal owner...

    Shidonic - H-how did you know that?

    Discord - Don't you remember? You tried to stop me, but failed, when the princesses brought the elements of harmony, they began to float around you, letting you gain the power to defeat me, but know this, i have gained more power now, and cannot be beaten this time!

    Shidonic - We shall see Discord, we shall see...
  9. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    Fire Dash: "Ugh, what happened? I remember talking to this statue and.... (Gasp)! Discord! I'll teach that goat face never to mess with me, Fire Dash!" *Races back to Cloudsdale*

    Shidonic: "We shall see Discord, we shall see..."

    Fire Dash: *Lands next to Shidonic* "Mind if I join?"

    Discord: "Fire Dash. I see Shidonic has freed you from my control. No matter, I can easily take on both of you."

    Fire Dash: Bring it on!
  10. shidonic Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 30, 2010
    Shidonic - Discord, you shall know the error of your way's, weather you like it or not, and this time, i will smash you when your turned to stone!

    Discord - Oh please, don't think i can't take away your spirit! *He snaps his fingers and i begin to turn gray*

    Shidonic - *Ha* You honestly think that will work on me!? *I stop turning gray, Thunder clouds begin to form above my head as the elements of harmony float around my body* REMEMBER DISCORD, I CAN USE THE ELEMENTS TO BECOME SUPER!

    Discord - *Yawn* Oh, i'm sorry, did you think i was going to be afraid?

    Shidonic -!
  11. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    Discord: "Oh Fire, are you sure you really want to help Shidonic? Personally, I'd give it a second thought..." *snaps finger, and Rainbow Dash appears, chained to the ground*

    Fire Dash: "Rainbow Dash!"

    Discord: "Exactly, if anyone of you lay a hoof on me, poor Rainbow here loses her life."

    Fire Dash: "You let her go!"

    Discord: "Oh, I'd be more than happy to let your sister go Fire Dash, but I need you to do me a favor. End Shidonic's life!"

    Fire Dash: *Gasps* "What?!"

    Discord: "So what will it be Fire? Shidonic, or the sister you've searched your entire life for?"
  12. shidonic Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 30, 2010
    Shidonic - DISCORD!!! *A evil red aura starts to flow around my body* YOU SHOULD BE SCARED NOW...ONLY A SELECT FEW CAN MAKE ME THIS MAD, AND WHEN I GET MAD...*Everypony begins to feel a quake as if the whole earth is shaking*...I BEGIN TO KILL!!!*i rush over at Rainbow Dash and cut her loose then teleport her to safety* NOW DISCORD YOU DIE!!! *I rush at discord and begin to beat him senseless*


    Shidonic - I can only achive this kind of power when im pushed over the deep end...AND YOU WENT TO FAR WHEN ENDANGERING ONE OF MY FRIENDS!!! *Two blades are formed, a katana, Lighting quick jabs resemble my Lighting power, and a broadsword, healing and devastatingly cold hit resemble Ice/Water* NOW YOU SHALL DIE!!! *i begin to cut and jab discord with the sword's*


    (remember the group desc guys/gals, if you want to talk as one of the people from the sow, use the body color)
  13. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    Fire Dash: "Rainbow, are you okay?"

    Rainbow Dash: "Yeah, thanks. But, are you really my brother?"

    Fire Dash: "I'll explain later, but now, I really want to help Shidonic and take out Discord. Do you mind waiting?"

    Rainbow Dash: "No problem! And don't hold back!"

    Fire Dash: "Got it!" *cover myself in flames, and race towards Discord*


    Fire Dash: "I got you now you goat face!"

    *Suddenly, Discord pushes Shidonic out of the way and leaps toward Fire Dash, grabbing him. Then both disappear, teleporting somewhere...*

    Fire Dash: *waking up* "Ugh, now where am I?"

    *the area he was in looked like a barren wasteland, but trees were floating, flames were everywhere, and it was raining chocolate*

    Fire Dash: "Discord! I ain't scared of you, show yourself!"

    *and just like that, Discord appeared out of thin air, sitting on a floating throne*

    Discord: "Fire, I was wondering when you were going to wake up. How do you like the place?"

    Fire Dash: "Answer me Discord, where am I?"

    Discord: "Well, it depends. Some ponies call this place hell. Others call it the underworld. I like calling it Discord's locker. And you, my fiery friend, are going to spend eternity in this place."

    Fire Dash: "Oh please. I'll easily find a way out, regroup with Shidonic, and put an end to you once and for all!"

    Discord: "Ooh, nice plan! But there's one tiny problem. I AM THE ONLY WAY OUT!"

    Fire Dash: "What!"

    Discord: "Exactly. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some unfinished business with Shidonic. Oh, and I would love to have a word with Princess Luna. I really miss Nightmare Moon. But let me warn you in advance, if I get killed outside, everything here, including you, will vanish from existance. You will be nothing than a mere memory."

    Fire Dash: "DISCORD, you lowlife!"

    Discord: "Oh you're too kind Fire. Buh-bye!"

    *Discord vanishes into thin air, leaving Fire Dash alone in this place*

    Fires Dash: "DISCORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
  14. shidonic Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 30, 2010
    Shidonic - Discord, do you really think fire dash is trapped, you aren't the only one who can teleport! *i go to "Hell" to get Fire Dash* Ok Fire Dash, let's go...

    Discord - Not if i can help it!

    Shidonic - THAT...IS...IT, TIME FOR ME TO DO WHAT I SHOULD HAVE DONE A LONG TIME AGO *After dogging all the chaos he threw my way, i cut Discord's head off causing the entire place to quake, i teleport Me & Fire dash out in in nick of time*.....*Phew* That was way to close for comfort! *I say as i look over at Fire Dash* But now i must depart, i will teleport you to the other pony's location and say goodbye there!

    (no more discord)
  15. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    Fire Dash: Thanks for helping me out, and sorry for getting in the way while you were trying to kill Discord. I should've let you finish him off.

    *both teleport*

    Few hours later in Ponyville...

    Fire Dash writes a letter to Princess Celestia: "Dear Princess Celestia, I learned that if a friend has a villain right where he/she wants him/her, I shouldn't interfere. Rather, I should let my friend kill the villain without any interruptions. Signed, your faithful subject, Fire Dash."

    *Spike then sends the letter to Princess Celestia*

    Spike: *yawns* "Well, it's getting late. See ya!" *leaves*

    Rainbow Dash: "Glad you're ok."

    Fire Dash: "Thanks sis. I bet you want to now how we're related?"

    *Rainbow Dash nods*

    Fire Dash: "Well, the day you were born, our parents were killed by griffin robbers , who then kidnapped you, while leaving me to die in the burning hospital. Little did they know that I can control fire, and that it wouldn't affect me. So I tried to rescue you, but it was too late. I've heard rumours, that those griffins left you in an orphanage, that you dropped out of flight school in Cloudsdale. But everywhere I go, I always hear that you've moved somewhere else. It wasn't until a few months ago that I finally got a lead. I heard how Princess Celestia was honoring the ponies who represent the Elemnets of Harmony, and that you were one of them. But then, Discord got a hold of me. He promised he'd help me find you if I freed him. I can't believe I fell for it. He was trying to use me to get revenge on your friend Twilight Sparkle. I messed up big time."

    Rainbow Dash: "Hey, forget about it. The important thing is that you're here, and we can make up for the times we've never been together. I'm glad I have a great brother like you Fire."

    *They hug each other and fly home*

    Rainbow Dash : "So I was thinking I'd introduce you to everyone in Ponyville tomorrow."

    Fire Dash: "Great idea!"
  16. shidonic Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 30, 2010
    Shidonic - The time has come or me to finally go, we will meet again, just know that i will always be watching...Farewell everypony! *lighting strikes down and makes everybody cover they'r eye's, they open they'r eyes again to see im gone*

    Rainbow Dash - C'mon Fire, lets go introduce you to everypony in ponyville! *AHH* Darn it Derpy, that hurt!!!

    Ditzy Doo - Well i'm sorry Rainbow Dash *She says wil getting up but almost falling again as she walks away*

    Shidonic - *I fly back down to where everypony is* Look's like there's not going to be any dis-harmony for a while, so i might as well stay down here and help pegasi and unicorn hone their abilities to fly and use magic, because Twilight can learn alot and seeing how fast Rainbow Dash can go, she might be fast enough to learn how to control lighting, first of all though, i have to see if she can make just a few sparks of lighting then i can train her from there, but please, you can take him to see everypony first and get acquainted! *i say as i smile* Come now Twilight, you said you can almost make water out of no where?

    Twilight Sparkle - Yes Shidonic, look! *Her horn starts to glow as a small amount of water pops up, she gets tired and it disappears* Darn, no matter how much i try, i can't form a simple water ball!

    Shidonic - That's ok Twilight, here, hold out your hoof! *She put's her hoof out as i give her a necklace That has a deep blue gem embedded into it* The stone in this necklace will help you control your water powers easier, i don't need it anymore since i have mastered my power's over water!

    Twilight Sparkle - Thank you very much Shidonic! *She said as she put it on* It's so beautiful!

    Shidonic - Please hold on to it with great care, that is a great antique, passed down from my family's generations, and i hope ill be able to pass it on, but i will have to manage to get back to my dimension, and if i can't, i would have to settle down with someone here, i bet my folk's are worried sick...*i say as i tilt my head forward and allow a single to to be shed* But i'll be fine!

    Twilight Sparkle - W-who would you pick?

    Shidonic - i can't say until i try to get back to my dimension, and if i can ill ask said pony, then if they agree, i would ask fire dash or Cloud Runner to be my best colt!

    Twilight Sparkle - Well, if you can't get back to your dimension, then i do hope you choose well who your bride will be! *She blushes just talking about it*
  17. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    Rainbow Dash: "Now let me introduce you ro Applejack. The only pony here in Ponyville who's just almost as good of an athlete as I am."

    Fire Dash: "Excuse me?"

    Rainbow Dash: "Oh, sorry. I meant 'almost as good of an athlete as both of us'."

    Fire Dash: Much better.

    (They find Applejack moving a barrel of apple cider)

    Rainbow Dash: "Hey Applejack!"

    Applejack: "Hi there Rainbow! And who's this fellow here?"

    Rainbow Dash: "Oh, this is my brother, Fire Dash."

    Applejack: "Oh, never knew you got a brother. How come ya never told us about him?"

    Rainbow Dash: "It's a long story..."

    Applejack: "Well, pleased to meet ya Fire! I'm Applejack."

    Fire Dash: "Nice to meet you too Applejack. What are you doing?"

    Applejack: "Well, as Rainbow here knows, I'm getting ready for the beginning of cider season next week. Y'all wanna try out some of my apple cider?"

    Fire Dash nd Rainbow Dash at the same time: "YES!"

    Applejack: "Wow, you two really are related. Be back in a minute." (leaves to get apple cider for Rainbow Dash and Fire Dash)

    Rainbow Dash: "You love apple cider too?"

    Fire Dash: "Of course. It's the best buckin' drink EVER!"

    Applejack: "Alright, here you go!"

    Fire Dash: "Awesome!" (takes a big gulp)

    Rainbow Dash: "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!" (as she's about to drink, she's hit by a frisbee and drops the apple cider)

    Applebloom: "Oops, sorry Rainbow. Well Cutie Mark Crusaders, looks like we're not frisbee throwers, let's try something else." (leaves with Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle)

  18. shidonic Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 30, 2010
    Shidonic - Come Twilight...I have much to teach about your powers over water!

    Twilight Sparkle - Ok Shidonic, what do i have to learn?

    Shidonic - since i already gave you the necklace, we can begin training, unless of course you want to start tomorrow.

    Twilight Sparkle - Yes, i would atleast like to know how to make ice!

    Shidonic - Very well, Form a water ball but then, imagine it getting cold and you will turn it to ice!

    Twilight Sparkle - Is that realy all it takes? *She forms a water ball* Ok...getting cold... *the ball is half way frozen when it shatters* *AAH* Darn!

    Shidonic - Don't worry you will get it, it is harder than it looks, hm, Rainbow Dash is angry...

    Twilight Sparkle - Why is Rainbow Dash angry?

    Shidonic - Apple Bloom Accidentally Made her spill her apple cider, So ill be right back!

    Twilight Sparkle - I'm coming with, i wanna see you get it back off the ground!

    Shidonic - Very well, Stand close to me!

    Twilight Sparkle - Ok *She cuddles up to where her body is almost touching mine* There, I-is that close enough?

    Shidonic - *Blushing a little* I didn't mean that close but ok, Don't worry, your going to teleport with me! *lighting strikes down and in a flash we'r gone* *lighting strikes down in front of Rainbow Dash Scaring her*

    Rainbow dash - *AAH* Geez Shidonic, don't do that!

    Shidonic - Here Rainbow Dash! *i raise my hoof as the cider begins to sperate from the soil and go back into the cup, as good as it was before*

    Rainbow Dash - THANK YOU SO MUCH! *She kisses my cheek*

    Shidonic - Rainbow Dash...Fire Dash is right there!

    Rainbow Dash - He doesn't mind, beside, i can make my own choices!

    Shidonic - Some of witch that break your wing's!

    Twilight Sparkle - And put you in a hospital!

    Rainbow Dash - I know...i know!

    Shidonic - and sometimes they hu-

    Rainbow Dash - ENOUGH!! *She slaps me* Oh...i'm sorry.

    Twilight Sparkle - Shidonic...are you ok

    Shidonic - *i force my head back and it causes a loud snap* OW...ow...Well, at least that didn't hurt as much as i thought it would, but now then, Fire Dash, can you help me open a portal to my realm?

    Twilight Sparkle - And if he can't help, then who are you gonna ask to wed? *Blushing about it*

    Shidonic - Ill tell you if i can't open the portal! * i start walking toward the best place for a portal*
  19. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    Fire Dash: "Sure Shidonic, but what can a flaming pegasus like me do to open a portal?"
  20. shidonic Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 30, 2010
    Shidonic - Well, You and Twilight will have to focus along with me, if it opens, Twilight will help keep it open with me and since you can use fire, you can stabilize it, When you stabilize it, it will prevent me from getting hurt going through it, if it does stabilize, i'll hop in, and if not, ill gather up the gal's and tell them who i'll marry, if she accepts.

    Twilight - Ok Shidonic, like this? *Her horn starts to glow as a beam shoots out forming a small energy ball*

    Shidonic - Yes...just like that! *i put my hooves up and a beam of electricity comes at one while the other shoots water* STEADY...NOW FIRE DASH...ME AND TWILIGHT CAN'T HOLD IT FOREVER!!!