My Hypocritical Mother and I

Discussion in 'Help with Life' started by Crumpet, Mar 13, 2009.

  1. Crumpet In your shadow, I can shine!

    Jun 28, 2007
    I don't understand her, honestly. She tells me one thing and means another. Like the other day we had a senior ceremony and I thought that mum was working like she always does. She never EVER came to my or my older brother's award ceremony's so I thought she wouldn't want to come. She went spaztic when I didn't ring [I do kinda think it's my fault but she should show some intrest sometime]. I only got told the day before, plus I was sick anyway and she knew about that which brings up another point.

    Apparently I never ring... that's bullcrap... SHE NEVER RINGS. It costs me $40 a month just to find out where my little brother is because she decides that me worrying about his safety isn't important to waste her credit on. Oh and I'm meant to call her if I "Magically" know if she's sick... she knew I was sick and I didn't get a text. I have what she had when she was younger. (I'm not getting into details) and she made it sound horrible... so when I got it, I told her... 20 texts from my friends... none from her.

    She's even admitted to not knowing me... I can't blame her... she ever asks about me. I know she loves ABBA, Tom Jones, F.R.I.E.N.D.S, Packed to the rafters, That ABBA movie (forgot what it's called), Bonsai trees, etc. She doesn't even know what size shirt I am... and what type suits me (the ones she buys chokes the hell out of me). What's funny is that I'm like her size... and I've worn her stuff in front of her...

    I don't think I can take her anymore... I don't have to stay with her... In fact I stay with my dad every second week. I don't want to hurt her feelings though no matter how much she's hurt me through this year of splits and fights. Man I'm a wimp.​
  2. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    Cat you deserve more than that.Ask your father to take full custody of you because your mother doesn't even care to even realise your there let alone look after you.Go live with your dad cat.