[MARQUEE]Now for something completely different,[/MARQUEE] Okay so im very sleepy but I have no time to sleep! I must update a few things for you! Today was uneventful. My hair is truly pink (so you know.), and my back yard actually looks like a back yard now. Monkeys and alcohol still do not mix, you should still never play tag on a playground, and if your erection lasts more than 4-6 hours you should consult your doctor immediately. This has been a Kaylee update report
huh no I never really thought of it that way >> I just thought it was really bright blue so I wanted it.xD blue is my third favorite color, and pink is my sixth. well ttyl! I must be off to brush the got 2b glued hair spray out of my hair, before I wake up tomorrow with horrid bed head that won't brush out :/gasp: