Digital Art My Graphics

Discussion in 'Arts & Graphics' started by Zexion of the Twilight, Oct 16, 2007.

  1. Zexion of the Twilight The conflicts within my priorities....

    A continuation of my other dead thread (amen), here's some graphics I made sometime near when I made the original thread or ones that I made afterwards.



    What can I say? I'm a D.Gray-man fan.

    Allen the Demon


    I played with the program a little. :D

    A Storm's Brewin'


    It actually looks drawn!

    Army in the Midst of the Blizzard


    Heh, I think it looks fuzzy.

    Nobody Emblem


    Playing with the effects is fun!

    Oroborus Emblem


    Still fun!

    Ok, now I know you need help.


    It was what came to mind when I think of the term "stoned."

    Ripples in the Pool


    Seems relitively simple, but pretty hard to accomplish with my skills.

    The Violent Nebula


    Proof that learning science really does help!

    Kon the Slavemaster


    Another Bleach artwork, I just found it amusing.



    Dedicated to the fans of Lost.