I have been depressed this past month or so. We (me and my mother) went to see the doctor today and mom told me to answer truthfully....(not that I don't always do that) but after he listened to me (regretably made me cry...) he said I need to be admitted into a hospital....I have to go tomorrow morning. I'm not sure how long I have to stay or what will happen. Hopefully after they assess me they'll let me go home and continue treatment outside the hospital. More than likely I'll still be around here but I just thought my friends should know as you guys are some of the most important people in my life.
I hope everything turns out alright and you get out soon, because no one likes staying in hospitals *hugs*
I can attest to this. You're always in my prayers. You're one of the best people I know and all I want is for you to get better. If it wasn't for me being on this transplant list, I'd be out there by morning. Best of luck, and I'm always here for you.
I hope things start turning up for you soon, and that you take good care of yourself. KHV will miss you. <3 Keep your chin up, hon.
Aw... please don't leave us. -hugs- Feel better as much as you can. Just remember that i'm here for you whenever you need me. VM or PM me if you wanna get something off your chest. Anything to help a friend. :)
Please don't leave us.I hope everything turns out alright,Best of luck.:D If you need anything you can PM/VM me.
That sucks... Good Luck TN13. We'll be waiting for you. I'll miss you and if you wanna talk, I'll always answer
Aww D; I hate staying at the Hospital! The food sucks (thats what Chick-fil-a is for xD), and watching TV all day isnt the greatest either. I hope you get out soon, and feel less depressed. I personally know how it feels to be depressed. Thats why I try to be so care-free, and happy-go-lucky all the time online trying to make up for it. Just remember we're here for you, and don't EVER forget that okay? Were also praying for you too. If you need anything else, just tell me know kay?