So apparently, according to my dad when i was a kid i was scared of a plant in our house and called it "doggy". Anyone have a more pathetic story so i can feel better about myself?
I was afraid of this stuffed crocodile that I used to have. It was totally fine during the daylight but once it was dark.. that thing was thrown to the back of the wardrobe and the door was sealed shut.
Well, before I played the whole pretend-Pokemon-surrounding-me-all-the-time-look-how-kick-butt-I-am get up that I'm sure we've all done at one point, apparently I was convinced that Pokemon were real and my Pikachu was real and when I watched episode 36, Indigo League: Pikachu's Goodbye I cried buckets and no one could stop me from crying and they had to give me all my Pikachus to hug. But then again, I still do this x: Oh and, When I was younger I was the demon child and I only smiled to my mum and older brother and my uncle told my mum to start saving up for bail when i go to jail in the future. But no one believes me when I tell them this :c
My mom said when I was a 5 year old (I think) whenever I was put on water I would cry. And I would cry at night, and the only way for her to put me to sleep was by driving me around. Actually these are all cool stuff. srry
I remembered when I was 5 my uncle had this dragonball Z figure of Dabura (I'll post a pic of it) and apperaently I was super afraid of it too the point were I get nightmares every night[DOUBLEPOST=1346896896][/DOUBLEPOST]This is what he looked like
I made dinosaur noises and crawled all over the theater seats as a toddler when Jurassic Park came out. Now everytime I go see a movie with my family, they ask "Hey, are you gonna make those dinosaur noises and crawl all over the seats?" Yeah. .__.
When I was younger, I ran into a door and cut my forehead open. I still have the scar above my left eyebrow. I was obviously the smartest kid.
Wanna know how I developed my fear of heights/falling? I fell about 2m/7ish feet off of monkey bars and landed on my back.
When I was like 6 I was terrified of our lava lamps because I thought they were filled with real lava and they were going to break and burn our house down.
My uncle couldn't say "ice cream" until he was 8. He could say "ice" and "cream," but when he put them together it would come out as ice cuckooream.
When I was five, I ran away. To the field across the street. I played in the grass for hours and my mom called the police and sh*t but I eventually just wandered home on my own because I wondered what all the commotion was.
I drowned when I was five. Oh, I also used to be afraid that stereotypical gravestones would pop out of my carpet.
No way, man! I was a wild kid who had no fear! I used run riot and talked to anyone and everyone! I spend most of my time arone. :'(