I drew several of pictures similar to my character, Geryl. I have drawn these this year and I want you people to do this poll. The first picture shows the man with a light power but the other person coming behind him is his evil side that wants to take over the world. Here they are: Although I didn't change their faces, I can't do anything about them. I draw like that and I cang't change it. :( I feel like my drawing work has been a waste.
it need alot of work. the head looks awkwardly placed, the shading on the back of the head is too... line-ish, and the hands are small and placed oddly too. but its a nice effort, keep trying!
Eh,it needs alot of work. The guy's face in the back just doesn't work for me,it looks funny.. Also the hands need some work also.
I don't know anything about the RP character, but it looks like it has a head coming out of the side of it's head. I hope that was intentional... Also, Kairi245 is right, the hands are very small and oddly placed. The fingers are also a bit too short and far apart as well, and the arms are incredibly disproportional. The shoulders go up a bit too high as well. Maybe it would help us evaluate if you were to give a description of this character so we know what are mistakes and what is intentional. Keep working hard, you can tell you put some effort into this.
you need to PRAC-TICE. the shading needs to be better, and the eyes are WAYYY too small, and the heads are kinda big, just work alot, k? ^^
Your shading is just wrong on a lot of places, the head looks rather deformed, and the arms and legs look like you didn't draw any real point on them, like where the elbow and knee are.
Thats ehhhh... Not so great :\ THe positioning is akward, and the anatomy is terrible. The hands are to small, the head is weird, needs more detail, and the legs are just... Blah :\ Remember, everything in the human body is made up of shapes, circles, squares, rectangles, triangels. Etc.
I'll be changing my pictures and hope they will be better. It's the same ones but I erased some stuff and added some more stuff. Although the problem is about the head and positions, I can't do anything about those. That is how I draw.
If u really want the truth, it needs work...lots of it. Firstly, the hands r small. You should beefen them up and maybe put some shading Second, the body in the first big is WAY too big compared with the arms and such. Judging by posture, it should b slimmer. Third, r those eyes up by the upper left hand corner of the last picture? Fourth, the eyes in the second picture are too close. Spread them just a little bit apart. And the nose should b a bit lower. Fifth, shading would make everything look much better. If I may suggest, try coloring in an area where you want shades then use ur finger or a tissue paper (I prefer tissue paper) and rub slowly on the shades to produce a "smudgy" effect so you won't have to erase very often if u ever make a mistake in color depthness. Also, you mite wana start with some basic circles and shapes to connect the body parts. (do it gently) Then outline it with clothing and such (should b a tad bigger than the actual body) and put shades. I c where you're trying to go with this and I think this mite help. All in all, the theme is a good start and you should definately work on all of them more.