[So, here I am eating a slice of watermelon. I like to break the slice into pieces as I eat. It makes it easier to eat/less messy, generally, and as I eat the pieces I give the skin to my dog, with a little bit of extra fruit on it. Now, she's a bit of a picky eater for a dog. She'll only eat certain treats or foods, i.e. she won't eat grapes. But she thinks watermelon is okay, and she'll eat it if I give it to her. She also usually begs for it. Sometimes she'll just eat the fruit, other times she'll eat it skin and all. But just now I was eating a slice and she was totally disinterested... I held out a piece expecting her to take it and nothing happened, and when I looked over she was just lying there with her head down. I set several pieces down on a plate, even, but she just sniffed them and kept looking miserable. Then she walked away with her tail down (she has a curly tail, the kind that's supposed to sit on her back). ... Any suggestions as to why she'd be like that? I've never seen her do it before. Even if she doesn't want watermelon, she usually at least tastes it. CHEER MY DOG UP GUYS 8O]
Actually this kind of behavior most of the times means problem. Trust me i have way too many pets and lost a lot through years. You better keep an eye on her. Hopefully she will just not want to eat it atm.
Have you fed her anything odd in the past day or so? Or maybe she ate something while you weren't looking? But definitely keep an eye on her if it's not normal behaviour.
Has she been eating grass lately? Or is she older? One of my dogs is 9, and she has arthritis, so she doesn't eat much when it's acting up. If she has arthritis, try giving her a little ibuprofen or something like that. It helps my dog. With eating grass, it might mean that her stomach's bothering her, which would explain the not eating.
Haven't fed her anything strange... Or at least what I can remember. And who knows what she eats when I'm not around, lmao. It's scary just thinking about it xD. Nope, not that I know of, and she's six and a half. But she looks like she's feeling a bit better now, she perked right up when I took out some bread >>. She was just being... Er... a dog I guess. xD Thanks guys <3.
Most fruit isn't. And a lot of individual breeds have further specialized diets; my Lab can't eat a lot of (if any) gluten or else...well, I'll leave it at things get REALLY REALLY messy. ._. In the future, Stardust, I'd suggest looking up exactly what your dog can and can't eat, just in case.
Yeah, Dogs are highly allergic to chocolate, If they're given a medium quantity, But I guess that it doesn't matter if it only a small bit ;D Yikes, that bat must hit hard! ::L:
No, even a little bit can hurt them. A little bit of anything they're not supposed to have can cause serious digestive problems. Trust me. >>
Really? When my dog was small (like 5 months, Although she's 4 years now xD) We gave her a small piece of chocolate candy, but we didn't know yet that it could hurt her badly, and, nothing absolutely nothing happened to her .-. I found out later about chocolate being harmful to them and I never again gave her chocolate the end xDD Then again my dog has eaten weirder stuff >.>