Gay like a ***. My school is offering to "buy-back" the textbooks I got from it. Although the thing is, one of the textbooks I can sell back to them is 67 dollars (which is the price I paid) and I don't have any CD's that is supposedly needs with the textbook. Also note, I didn't receive any CD's when I bought it. Something is very wrong here.
that sucks, you can probably get more money if you sell it on Amazon anyways if you dont' mind the hassle of shipping it out.
yeah that's true. but i've never done that before really and who wants to buy a stupid school textbook? XD
Surprised they even pay you back what you bought it for. Mine just gives you maybe 5-10 bucks for a $100 dollar textbook. It's like the bookstore equivalent to Gamestop. >.>
I hear ya; my evolution textbook cost around $100, but the edition's being revised, so I'm getting, like, 2 bucks back. >_<