She kept trying to steal my pizza, and I kept pushing her away from it, and then she stole half a slice of pepperoni pizza from my plate in the split second I wasn't looking. I took it away from her and threw it away, and then she started trying to go after my chicken bacon ranch pizza slice. I held her at bay for awhile, but then I looked away for a second, and she stole that too. So, altogether, I got one slice. Good thing I wasn't hungry. Now she's going after my coffee. This cat is weird. XD
My kitty does the same thing... Sometimes even a loud scolding doesn't work. And usually he listens with a sharp word. It's funny, actually.
Yeah, same with this cat. Seems the only things that scare her are opera and my text tone (the Wilhelm Scream). She's bolted from both. Of course, she's not necessarily my cat. She's a rescue kitten we found about three weeks ago, and we're just keeping her until we can find a home. Since we're not trying to get attached, we haven't really named her. At least, that was the plan. Then I started calling her "Kitter Cat," idk why. Then it was shortened to "Kitters," and now she responds to "Kit." She also responds to "Ringtail," because I call her that when I'm exasperated with her, because she's got a bit of a personality like King Julian from Penguins of Madagascar, and she's got a ringed tail and climbs up (and down) stuff like a lemur. So I guess, yeah, as annoying as she is, I got attached to her. Which is rather sad because my sis is super allergic so we can't keep her. :(
I'm sorry. D: It would be hard to get rid of Aiden my kitty. I hope you get to have a cat of your own soon. =3