I got home from work, and he had locked me out of the house. I don't have a key and its raining outside. My phone is running out of battery and the person I was texting to keep my sanity going has now made our conversation incredibly awkward. My brother and my sister don't get home until at least 2AM because they do night shifts. My parents are out of town for the weekend. For time references, its 5:30 pm here. What. The. Bloody. Hell. Am. I. Going. To. Do?
Bro and sis both do night shifts, and they'll both get in trouble if they leave. Closest people I have around here are my cousins, and they have a party to go to (which I'm obviously not invited to) so yeah.
These are the moments that make people consider the serious security risk of spare keys. As for what to do now, I would go to the house of any friend you have nearby. Failing that maybe some nearby store you could loiter at at least until they close. Failing THAT just find the driest spot you can and sit tight.
Aren't timezones amazing? ... The rumpus room is open, and thats all well and good. I have enough money for pizza and I can hang out here for a while :)
I was always dreadful about remembering my keys, I would end up always using our hidden spare... then I started driving so it's kind of hard to leave the house without keys. Break in through a window? I've done that before lol. Sometimes you can do it without actually harming the window.
Yes, they are. Yay![DOUBLEPOST=1359788454][/DOUBLEPOST] I've had to do that before. Our small kitchen window is always left unlocked since it's small, so I crawl through there. I could probably still fit.
Already tried. Windows are really high up. EDIT: I GOT IN! my sister quickly came back from work and unlocked the house for me :)
This reminds of the last day of 9th grade. We got out at 10:41, and my mom, who was supposed to be home because she was off, decided to go somewhere without telling me, so when I got home OF COURSE I would have forgotten my key, so I had to sit outside in the blistering heat for what seemed like an eternity.
I'm glad I've never had to deal with this before. I mean, there was one time I got home from college and no one was home and all the doors were locked, including the screen door in the back (who the heck locks those?) so I called my mom to try and get the key to our garage door....I was failing at it for a good 15 minutes........ embarrassing moment of my life