Hmm. Not bad. I like the background, but work on that next time. Text color and font is well done. The render is great. I give this about a 9/10 for your firs sig.
wow thats nice for a first sig haha should see my first sig lmao it was a mess =] but all in all looks great!! i rate 9/10 oh yea! keep working on it =]
Ok, 4/10 The backround is pretty good but you got to add more things into it not just make it black then earse with that one brush the text tottally sucks it don't match at all and it's too big, now time for the the rules of 3rds don't just make the render go to the side it just too most used, it needs to blend with the backround the color of the backround should be a color from the render black and white really only works whent he whole thing is black and white so yea just work on that and I'm sure you'll get better
Not bad at all =). It's 10x better than my first one xD. It's pretty simple. And also, I would have the text in a little different shade so it would look better with the instrument. Overall though, not bad for your first one. :D
Not bad. The background is okay, even though more could be going on, and the stock is cleanly cut and not blurry at all. Good work for a first sig.
My guess, Gimp. He erased in "pencil sketches" brush. ._. Anyways, Not good, but not bad either. Pretty much okay for a first try, just need to improve by readin' some tutorials. ._.
you did pretty good for your 1st sig, the text could've done with some more effects though, it looks a bit bland.