MX2D- The Legacy Beggins

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Riyoma_SerkanHR, Jun 11, 2009.

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  1. Riyoma_SerkanHR Moogle Assistant

    Jun 10, 2009
    in the shadow underneath your bed
    a new game has come out called MX2D: Multimedia eXploriation Digital Device. all based on the AI of 2 programs +2D and -2D detailing their adventures in the Digital Matrix. Each MX2D comes with its own Matrix Warrior (MX) or Net Dasher (ND) but there is a glittch in the program.

    The first two X-Beings MX2D and –MX2D were the first to fight as Matrix Warriors after only being developed as learning helper programs. –MX2D grew too smart to fast. He realized that he was being controlled and was consumed with hated for humans and X-Beings that worked with humans. –2D devoted himself to destroying everything that had to do with X-Beings or Humans he has tried many times all stopped by MX2D herself. Finally in one last clash between 2D and –2D, -MX2D was sealed in a .ZIP File thinking it is finally over peace returned to the Digital Lands. Until one day –2D broke free and has built an army of MX’s to conquer and destroy the Digital Matrix. Now MX2D needs your help to destroy –MX2D once and for all.
    Beast Summoning (Net Dasher Only)
    Hand to Hand
    Multi (Must be upgraded by +2D)
    a Mystery Email was sent out to the best Battlers and Net Dashers in the world

    Meet at the new Matrix Battle Stadium at 6pm.
    Bring your MX2D it's very important.
    Reply for more information on the nearest MBS.


    Short Bio:
    X-Being Type: (Matrix Warrior or Net Dasher)
    MX2D Colors:

    X-Being Name:
    X-Being Type:
    Name: Cale Jaden (CJ)
    Age: 16
    Apperance: Dark brown hair slicked back underneath a Red hat with a blue Jacket and a white shirt and blue jeans
    Location: US
    Short Bio: one of the first to get a MX2D and has become GM on the Digital Matrix and has never lost a battle except to +MX2D and Masked Savior
    X-Being Type: Matrix Warrior
    MX2D Colors: Red and Blue

    X-Being Name: Vega
    Apperance: long brown hair with ice blue bangs an a blue shirt with a red "V" and Blue pants and a Red scarf around his neck
    X-Being Type: Hand to Hand
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