Alright not to brag but I've been told that I'm a good singer (Oh shut up Hippie) and my choir teacher gave me this thing for a special music course. The Music course features: Piano Lessons, Vocal Lessons, and Guitar lessons. The value for me is I always wanted to learn how to play the piano, I need to work on my high voice becuase I can hold it for 4 seconds then crack, and I could always become a better guitar player. Now does anybody have any warm up tips for any of these instruments? I know a few but it's nice to have some more ideas.
For piano, I'd suggest trying the Hanon exercises. It seems simple, but it builds up stamina while playing really long songs. Also practice scales everyday, since some songs switch between scales and it saves a LOT of time when you know where the sharps and flats are in a particular key rather than thinking abou it. Unfortunately I don't know how to play the guitar and I don't take voice lessons. The best advice I can offer for any instrument is to constantly practice and challenge yourself. :3
A good piano warm up would simply be some quick scales and/or arpeggios. Maybe even a quick modern song that you like. On the guitar, scales are usually the best. The pentatonic scale, jazz scale, yada yada yada (For those Seinfeld watchers, I don't mean that kinda "yada"...). Anything that stretches the fingers. As for vocals, I'm not really the person who'd know about that. :sweat:
Hmm, Ive taken singing lessons for a few years now, and passed a few exams, and I've done quite a few training/warming up excersises. Of course, there is the obvious ones like playing scales/short patterns on the piano and matching your voice to the same notes. If you're trying to reach that high note and sustain it, work your way up the piano until you can no longer repeat the note that the piano plays with your voice. Hold that note for as long as you can, and try a little bit more each time you do the excercise. If your voice is cracking while you are singing a high note you might want to practice some breathing excersises, such as taking one big deep breath and releasing it as slowly as possible, singing and holding the note for as long as you can. This is practicing control for the amount of breath you let out while singing. But, your voice may simply be cracking because it is beyond the boundries of your normal singing voice, I don't know what type of voice you have so I can't say for sure :3 Whoa I wrote too much xD
My Diet of Singing warmup. Starting on A sing down the scale to "oo" then go up a semitone until you can go no higher. It depends if you are male or female which A. Starting on the A an octive below that, sing up and down arparios to "ee" 5 notes (e.g. a, c#, e, a, c#, a, e, c#, a) going up a semitone each time. Starting on your most comfortable bottom note, sing up and down the scale 5 notes to "ah" (e.g. a,b,c#,d,e,d,c#,b,a) quite quickly going up a semitone each time unil you can go no higher. There is another one but it's too complex to write down.