eh, its a forum game I made up and I wanted to try it out. Basically someone says an artist that they're listening to. If you also happen listen to this artist, then you type "Match" and and list another artist. If you dont match with the poster above you, type something like "nope" or "sorry, dont listen to them" and list another artist of your choosing. Ex. The game will go on until someone has 13 matches. (I dont ****ing know why 13 just go with it). And whoever does wins and gets a prize. (yay) Tips: 1) Do not list the same artist twice. Of course if this is actually a successful game then I realize it'll be pretty hard to keep track, so try your best. 2) Listing popular artists/bands (like Linkin Park) is not necessarily a good idea, since it'll be easier for everyone else to get a match and give them the upper hand. soooo with that being said I'll start. Artist/Band: "One Day as a Lion"