moving/ slowly fading.

Discussion in 'Help with Life' started by Dem-demmly, Oct 23, 2008.

  1. Dem-demmly Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 17, 2008
    the world that never was
    Im moving to a whole new place and new school and its been real hard on me since my dog recently just died and ive lived were I do now since I was born I have alot of friends but no one seems to care that im leaving and that makes it even hardeer. Alos im 14 and I have a younger sisters whos 7 (half my age) and were gonna be sharing a room together and im not the girly princess type, most of the time im usually haning out with guys and were gonna be sharing a room, and being the little princess that she is this is gonna be a major problem. I dont need sympathy but I would love to talk to anyone who may have a sense or feelign of what im going through.
  2. Repliku Chaser

    I hated moving when I was growing up too and would sometimes have to share rooms with siblings which well, can suck. Unfortunately, here we have to understand our parents' predicaments and that moving is usually a necessity so that they can have better jobs to provide for the kids or a better environment. Try to think that this is also hard on your family and they will try to make things right as they can.

    I'm also sorry to hear about your dog. Animal deaths can hurt as bad as losing another family member. You have my condolences.

    Maybe you and your sibling can set up so that she has one side of the room to put her things and bed and you can have your side to put your things and bed and perhaps that way you still feel you have a sense of individuality. Hopefully the room sharing thing will not be for a long time as most parents do want to separate the kids when the age differences are this extreme. Since you have male friends mostly anyway, you probably won't be bringing them up to your room often so things could work out for a little while at least and perhaps you can spend some time bonding with your little sister too. If you act too negative about the arrangement, she will pick up on it too and it may cause you both to have arguments that are unneeded. Moves suck but at the same time, sometimes they just are necessary and I hope things go as well as they can for you.
  3. Pasyn Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 19, 2008
    Probably waiting for DF's updates.
    I agree with Repliku, except that you probably won't be able to get your sister to split the room with you, even if she agrees to it I doubt she'll actually keep her stuff on her side. Moving does suck, I did it the year I entered middle school and again when I moved up to high school so I know how you feel. Basically all I can tell you is try and stay upbeat and do your best to not get depressed. All you'll really need to worry about is adjusting to the new school. I doubt you'll have trouble making new friends.
  4. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    I've had to share a room my entire life, and it was even when my sister and my completely disagreed about... well, just about everything. You get used to it, though. you kind of work out a system -- like, for example, usually I reside near my computer, and my sister near her bed.

    As for moving, it does indeed suck -- I've never had the experience (although I've come very close), but I understand that it's probably not an easy thing. Try to think of it as something positive. Maybe your friends are preoccupied at the moment, and once you're gone they'll realize how much they miss you. (make sure they have some way to contact you!) Or view it as a chance to start anew, and to leave any troubles from friends or school behind.